Who Do You Take With You...
In non-hostile situtations... for example wondering around the top of Nar Shaddaa...
-My Character
-Computer Specialist -- Bao-Dur, T3-M4, or Atton Rand
-Character I Wish To Gain Influence With
In Hostile Situtations...
-My Character... A Melee Force
-A Ranged Character -- Atton Rand, HK-47, or Kriea
-A Battle Master-- I usually take the Handmaden with her Power Attack (Plus she is Hot) lol
What about you people?
Your Party...
My first time through I'd generally take Kreia and Handmaiden with me unless the situation presents a skills factor that the three of us don't have. I'd take me because I was a melee and could easily tear down opponents. I took Handmaiden because she was a guardian and could also easily tear down opponents with her lightsaber, plus we'd get the dual strike bonus. And I took Kreia basically because she's my jedi support, she does all the healing, buffing, etc...
Somebody from somethin somethin...