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Multi-Player confusion

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Multi-Player confusion

Post by Kenta »

Okay, once again... my bro and I are still trying to play a game online together. We go through the multi-player, create game, tcp/ip, join game, I have a character ready to import, etc. etc. He starts the process, I join his game, he see's that I am joining his game, but...... then what? After about 30 seconds, my session ends (the blurb on the bottom of the screen says something like "waiting for server to accept") and logs me out of his game. For that 30 seconds though, I can chat to him in the dialogue box and he is able to see it. He doesn't know what he is supposed to do to accept me, we have tried for hours to get the hook up. The directions in the manual are vague at best. In fact, vague is giving them credit. Any help would be appreciated. Maybe someone could try allowing me to join their game, or I could create a game for someone to join that would determine whether it is pilot error, or a computer error we are working with.
Thanks :D
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Post by OuterParadise »

I've no idea why it gets like that.. do u automatically get kicked out from the character arbitration menu EVERY time u joined his game??

I could host a game for u. :) Do u want to join the game via IP or GameSpy Arcade?
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Post by Ekental »

Is he behind a firewall that blocks your IP?
are the correct ports for BGII open? (Refer to portforwarding or port triggering if they are not)

If you have cable then the cable company might have defaultly masked your IP address... in that case you'll need to turn that off. (try this last as it weakens what little security default settings have ~_~;; )

EDIT: I mean cable modem.. not cable TV
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