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swapping the eggs

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swapping the eggs

Post by BLOOD_FART »

ive been having another thrash at this for the first time in maybe 2 years and cant for the life of me remember how i managed to do it without incuring the wrath of all of ust'natha.

done improved invisibility with non decetion, plus numerous invisibility potions, and get spanked.
ive got ethereal boots and the non dectection robe, but havnt used them yet.

any better advice ?

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Post by dj_venom »

What is it you are trying to do?

Is it give the fake eggs or the real eggs?
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Post by Ekental »

Heres the brute force method...
Go up to the guards and open the door... kill the egg guards (THey're quite weak)
Go in and kill the golems
Swap the eggs
Walk out

Heres the sneak method...
Open the door
Invis with staff of magi (I guess improved invis might work I don't use it)
Walk in and swap eggs (Pause when in the inventory screen)
Put on invis with staff
Walk out

Potions work too... Remember to pause everytime you become visible. Detection robe doesnt do anything.. nor is it that useful as it does not protect you from true sight. If you do the sneak method fast enough you'll get out no prob.
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Post by KaaH »

In patched games Drow can 'see' invisible, maybe there is a 3rd party fix for this.
Otherwise it may be possible for a simularicum(for fighting in treasure room)/familiar , often times they won't trigger events your pc would.
Another non-tested possibility is mislead + non-detection + spell immunity: divination
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Post by Luis Antonio »

You soloing?

Anyway, there are a few golems inside the egg chamber, is that your problem? If they are, equip +3 blunt weapons, cause one of them golems is a clay golem. Hack and slash them with your tanks, or create a diversion, such as a summon, get out and close the door. Usually the guards in the map center wont atack you, but if they do is all better :D Kill them all. :p
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Post by BLOOD_FART »

sweet, cheers, ill have a crack at that,
havnt got the magi staff yet unfortunitly
probelm i had was swapping the eggs in the temple, cause every little drow @#$$^% came after me and everyone i met along the way (which was quite amusing) and the phaere herself was hostile, when i went into her room to give her the fake eggs and maybe bang her sweet evil black ass again.
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Post by BLOOD_FART »

cool did the crusie up out of site of the other guards and wack the treasury gurds :D huzzzahh!
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Post by Snoon »

I killed the guards and got in all right, but my illusion wore off before I got out of Ust'Natha. Big deal. The drow were pityfully weak, and I slaughtered them all. After their weak showing in the streets, I decided to enter all the buildings and kill the ones in there too. The Drow suck, they're all talk and nothing else.

Edit: Sorry, I guess that doesn't help. What exactly were you having troubles with? Did the whole city turn against you before you could finish the egg swapping quest? Or was the problem with fighting the golems? One item you'll likely want to purchase in Ust'Natha before it turns hostile is the rod of smiting, one of the merchants near the entrance sells it. Kills golems with 1 hit, not a bad item to have.

I've gone through the game twice, and both times it was a simple matter of killing the guards normally, they attack once the door is open, whether you are affected by improved invisibility or not. Rather than having them chase you and incurring the wrath of everyone in the temple, best to kill those 2 easy enemies where they are, and no one in the temple seems to notice. Strange that the Matron Mother didn't suspect anything when her 2 egg guards and her 3 golems were all lying dead when she went to retrieve the eggs for her demon summoning ritual. :P

I guess that at this point, the difficulty of the drow depends upon the levels of your party members. I've never had much trouble killing the drow, I found it quite amusing how they proclaim their superiority over surface dwellers, and yet an entire city of them can't defeat a party of 6 adventurers. It's fun to spawn spiders and have them killed by the creatures that they worship. :D
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