Zarustha and the Dwemer Puzzle Box
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:17 pm
Gidday all,
Well, I played quite a lot over the weekend. Unfortunately, fable and dragon wench corrupted me, and I downloaded about thirty mods, all of which I installed. Mod central!
Here's an update of Zarustha's progress:
She's now level 10, with STR 85 PER 90 (!), Axe 71, Speech 55, Acrobatics 72 and most other skills between 20-35. (Except some of the weapon & armour skills, which I am ignoring.)
I joined House Hlaalu, but am yet to complete their first quest. Since I do not steal (thievery is against the law, says Zarustha, and I refuse!), I am trying to converse the recipies out of the Alchemist in Vivic. She's send me off on a quest, but I've not done it yet.
I checked out some of the Tombs and Caves, as you people suggested. Bad people. You are all bad.
Seriously, most of the caves I went into had some *really* nasty monsters or humans who killed me in one or two hits of a big weapon or spell. I did sort-of clear out Mannammu (south of Pelagriad) but the boss at the end was too tough for me. I'll go back for him later.
I did clear Adanumuran and the Tharys Ancestral Tomb, but then wandered off to Vivic, where I spent most of my time, exploring the whole of that city (except for the Holy Fane). Wow, that place is big. I did a couple of smaller quests (got a ring for an orc in the Fighter's guild, helped the Alchemist find out where the leaflets were coming from - refused to help the other Alchemist who wanted me to put the Dwemer bone in the woman Alchemist's shop).
Several areas of Vivic I avoided - all the tombs, any shrines, the "Telvanni Monster Lab" (which sounds REALLY COOL!!). I'll check them out much later, I think.
Finally, after much hassling from my wife, I decided to return to Belmora and chase down this puzzle box Hasphat wanted. (Now that's a name I can remember!!
) So, much exploration of Arkngthand followed (and I'm still in there). Anyone got a map???
I found the puzzle box pretty easily, and am now systematically looting the entire place. Got 15 Dwemer cogs to take back to Belmora to sell off to the Outfitter (who really likes me).
I think I've pretty much cleared Arkngthand, as I've killed all the human thieves, and laid to rest many Dwemer wights (and a bunch of their mechanical creatures as well). I found the Deep Ore Mine, from which there seems to be no exits, so I think I've covered it all. Now I have to turn this box over to Hasphat, and see what is next! (Although if anyone has a comprehensive map of this ruin, I will wash your car for you!
Damn, this game is a blast.
Cheers all,
Well, I played quite a lot over the weekend. Unfortunately, fable and dragon wench corrupted me, and I downloaded about thirty mods, all of which I installed. Mod central!
Here's an update of Zarustha's progress:
She's now level 10, with STR 85 PER 90 (!), Axe 71, Speech 55, Acrobatics 72 and most other skills between 20-35. (Except some of the weapon & armour skills, which I am ignoring.)
I joined House Hlaalu, but am yet to complete their first quest. Since I do not steal (thievery is against the law, says Zarustha, and I refuse!), I am trying to converse the recipies out of the Alchemist in Vivic. She's send me off on a quest, but I've not done it yet.
I checked out some of the Tombs and Caves, as you people suggested. Bad people. You are all bad.
I did clear Adanumuran and the Tharys Ancestral Tomb, but then wandered off to Vivic, where I spent most of my time, exploring the whole of that city (except for the Holy Fane). Wow, that place is big. I did a couple of smaller quests (got a ring for an orc in the Fighter's guild, helped the Alchemist find out where the leaflets were coming from - refused to help the other Alchemist who wanted me to put the Dwemer bone in the woman Alchemist's shop).
Several areas of Vivic I avoided - all the tombs, any shrines, the "Telvanni Monster Lab" (which sounds REALLY COOL!!). I'll check them out much later, I think.
Finally, after much hassling from my wife, I decided to return to Belmora and chase down this puzzle box Hasphat wanted. (Now that's a name I can remember!!
I think I've pretty much cleared Arkngthand, as I've killed all the human thieves, and laid to rest many Dwemer wights (and a bunch of their mechanical creatures as well). I found the Deep Ore Mine, from which there seems to be no exits, so I think I've covered it all. Now I have to turn this box over to Hasphat, and see what is next! (Although if anyone has a comprehensive map of this ruin, I will wash your car for you!
Damn, this game is a blast.
Cheers all,