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Broke J'Saddha's mini-quest

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The Great Hairy
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Broke J'Saddha's mini-quest

Post by The Great Hairy »

Gidday all,

When Zar came wandering into Ald Velothi last night, she was accosted by a rather rude Dunmer asking if she had seen a person by the name of J'Saddha. Not knowing anything about the situation, she said "yes, he's over at the Daedric ruins".

After talking with some more people around town, it turns out J'Saddha is an escaped slave, and the three Dunmer hunting him are slavers. So Zar killed them.

But now J'Saddha won't converse with me - any console commands for resetting his conversation?

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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Well, I'm not sure of the command, but what I did was use a control humanoid spell on him, and brought him to the docks to the member of the twin lamps, and the quest ended as if normal
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Cheers, I'll try that when I'm next over that way!

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