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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by Trek »

HI new here I just finished the SOA portion of the Imoen Romance Mode and wanted to thank Lord Mirrabbo for a truly excellent piece of work. Imoen has always been my favorite.

For anyone that dosn"t know it can be found here.

The passion and the complexity and detailed depth of the relationship was truly outstanding and I can wait for the ToB portion to come out. I love the idea of quality time and the amount of passion and affection and love that was in the relationship. I hope there is that much romance and affection if not more in the ToB part. (if you could add in a flirt pack that can be access anytime by the pc (somewhat like aries's) on top of quality time that would be awesome.

To answer any coments from people who for some unknown reason think being a "Child of Bhaal" = biological relation this paragraphs for you.......

I have never considered Imoen my "sister" she was a childhood friend. The first time I played SoA I was severely disappointed! I could not romance her. Lord Mirrabbo had the best explanation in the mod of exactly why they are not related. The both had different mothers and fathers the only similarity is that both the fathers were "possessed" by Bhaal. That does give them a similar "trait" but in no way does it make them "related". I also don't consider any other Bhaalspawn (including Saravok) to be blood related either. He possessed fathers over multiple races giving them all something in common but not any "biological" relation.

Thanks again Lord Mirrabbo for an excelent pice of work and I am totaly waiting for the ToB portion. I hope you have your forms out soon If you can a aproximate time you think you will have it ready.
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Post by Qwinn »

Er, that explanation would work... except I'm pretty sure that's not how it was supposed to have happened.

Bhaal wasn't "possessing" people... he impregnated these women (of various races) during the Time of Troubles, when his Avatar and that of all the other Gods (besides Helm) were forced to walk Faerun.

If I'm wrong, please, someone correct me... but till then, I admit that I myself have a tough time dealing with the incestuous nature of that relationship.

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Post by stramoski »


Bhaal was pretty busy during the Time of Troubles. I think all the Bhaal-spawn were from encounters before that time. Remember, he foresaw his fate.

Also, different Bhaal avatars wouldn't necessarily have the same genetic makeup. Do you really think it was a human avatar that slept with Yaga-Sura's mother?

Of course, no one even knows about DNA on Toril, so I can't very well ask :)
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