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Final Battle (Spoilers...for god's sake)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Final Battle (Spoilers...for god's sake)

Post by alpha_hazard »

Does the force chain feat still effect Kreia and I in the final battle? I mean, am I causing myself more pain by using passive force powers?
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Post by Obi-Wan-Evan »

No, I was confused on that part. Though ive only played it through once and may have missed something but I think Obsidian made another oopsy due to lack of time in making the game.
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Post by Lordant »

Comments on using a Force character in Final Battle

I've just managed to finish the game for the first time.

I breezed through all the battles as a Jedi Consular / Jedi Master using mainly Force Wave. EXCEPT for the final double battle at the core. There my force powers didn't seem to work very well and I kept having to flee in order to renew my health and shields. I must have done the first half of the final battle about 15 times before I managed to develop a suitable flee/heal strategy, and probably more than that with the final lightsabers battle.

Anyone else have this problem with this choice of characters. It seemed to me that I had to use my lightsaber (the very best one I could build) most of the time, whereas in the rest of the game I only used it when my enemies were on their final legs. If this is so then it seems a mockery that your very best force character isn't strong enough for the final battle.

In KOTOR1 (which I played through 10 times) I could easily beat Malak at the end without having to flee/heal, so I'm doubtful that it was my technique which was faulty at the end this time.

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Post by Darth Coran »

Hags aint shockproof

Lordant your strategy was correct my friend except you were using it at the wrong angle.I am personally a Jedi Weapons Master/Sith Marauder but my friend played as Jedi Consular than Sith Lord,force storm alone can clear most enemies out of a room in seconds.and apparently,witchy old half jedi that train Jedi Exiles are walking Lightning Rods :D
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Post by FettJedi »

If you use the heal power then it effects you both. Use medpaks or life support paks.. It took me forever to beat her the first time because everytime I healed myself it healed her, and vice versa when she uses life drain it gives you a small boost. I was complaining about this and accidently told my brother that Kreia was the big baddy by mentioning the link. wow he wouldn't talk to me for a couple days.. lol
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Post by Darth Coran »


*straps fett into an energy gullitoine*you have defiled the Sacred laws of Revan and the xile for this you must die*dramatic music* *turns to the crowd*and for those of you who like watching fuzzy things move around instead of heads popping off we hired this monkey to ride a tricycle! :D
If it has ears it can be deafened,if it has a mouth it can scream,if it has eyes it can be blinded,if it has legs it can be crippled -Enscription on an ancient sith weapon

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