I have the Expanded thiefs stronghold mod installed. Here is my issue, I am running it and like three of my theiving henchmen get throne in the slammer and I am to go to the Gov. District to rescue them. I go to prison and then find no-one there exept gaurds. I go out the back door and there is two cowlded wizards and a couple Amnish lackies. They are hostile. I run back inside. I eventually dispatch them. But still no theives to recover.
I have been to the prison before. It says in the readme that you should not go there before the mod is installed. Sucks. There are variables, One is theifs name captured(or something), another is theifs name recovered.
They are like one or zero respectivly. Should I try to mess the Globals here??
I could just pay it, but it is a pricey bond.
Clues, clues
Expanded thiefs stronghold
Expanded thiefs stronghold