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Question about installation

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Question about installation

Post by lompo »

It's a long time since I installed BG2, but I should have made a normal inst., so I have to change the disks when I move between areas.
Is it possible to update to a full install (so to use only one disk) without first uninstall the whole game?
And if is it possible do I have to reinstall again ToB, patches and all the mods already installed?
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Post by Phantom Lord »

I would reinstall it completely.

The installation copys all CDs to your HD and would probably also overwrite the root directory, so you likely would lose the patch. Backing up saves, deinstalling and installing, finally patching / modding seems best. Most of the installation time is occupied by copying data anyway, so it's not a big difference.
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Post by moltovir »

I think there's a way to do that without having to reinstall (although reinstalling would be the easiest thing to do). Just copy all your cd's to your hard drive and edit your baldur.ini file in the main SoA folder. Under the [Program Options] tab there should be something like this:


Simply edit the paths to the maps to where you copied the cd's. I can't assure 100% succes though, I've never tried it myself (it's a little difficult of doing this if you only have a 6 gigabyte harddisk ;) )
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