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Karagonics tools - Sunder

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Karagonics tools - Sunder

Post by hlaalumember »

guys i cant find the hammer sunder. i have found keening in the other tower but i cant find the hammer. ive looked throught the tower but i cannot seem to find it where the #@!$ is it! im so close to killing dagoth ur who is "REALLLLYYYY!!!!!" starting to piss me off but i cannot find sunder to complete the prophecy. a little help would be very much appreciated
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Darth Potato
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Post by Darth Potato »

Why did you post twice thats against the rules if i remember correctly.
and watch your language, you are allowed to be mad at Dagoth Ur but i don't think Buck wants you posting that stuff.
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Post by fable »

hlaalumember, you posted this thread a couple of hours ago. You were given an answer, too. Posting the same question again is an annoyance--please don't do that again. And while you're at it, check out the forum rules. Their enforced on this site. Not following them can lead to posts being removed, and posting privileges being suspended.

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