Heather was my ghoul.. Then all of a sudden she disappeared on me she isnt in my haven in santa montica or in LA.. I dont know what happened to her or why she isnt around anymore.. Im playing a female toreador and Im up to the claw brothers.. I cant figure out how to beat them.. does stealth really work with them? if so how do you get one not to notice you to get the stealth kill..
Ive tried using the katana but its like it doesnt do anything to them.. before you know it Im on final death..
Unless you accidentally dismissed her from your service, Heather should be in your Downtown haven. She will disappear, but only after you get the "hunt the Sabbat" quest a little later.
As for the claw brothers. . .as you probably already know, these guys are teleporters and have some sort of wierd telekinetic push ability. I don't think stealth is going to work with them. If I were handing out tips for anybody doing this game, an important one would be: do not neglect your combat skills. Stealth/Persuasion/etc. will only get you so far. Some people you will absolutely have to go toe-to-toe with, and the claw brothers are some of those people.
That said: I have killed the claw brothers with blades and even claws (gangrel). If possible concentrate on one until he goes down and then go after the other.
Right. You'll see Heather again, a bit later. She's not gone for good. Assuming you didn't dismiss her (which you'd probably know, if you did).
I found with the Claw brothers, you simply have to keep yourself buffed up good (In your case, Celerity and Blood Buff). At that point, do your best to concentrate on one of the brothers at a time (i.e. concentrate on taking one of them out as quickly as possible). A katana, particularly when you're blood buffed, should be relatively effective against them. I imagine if you use Celerity, they shouldn't be that hard to pin down, for that matter. Regardless, just heal yourself using blood packs when needed, if you get slammed too much.
Yeah I know I didnt dismiss her.. its just that she did something entirely stupid.. I dont know if she did it for anyone else.. she brought some guy back to my apt and locked him in the bathroom upstairs.. so I had to go upstairs try to reason with him.. no luck.. so I had to kill him.. I fed off of her briefly.. then I left my apt and have checked back on her several times and she has not returned.. think I might have killed her?? lol ';/
I wouldn't worry about it. I'm fairly certain the only way she can leave you is if you dismiss her. Your ire won't cause her to leave (the blood is too addictive). I beleive I chastised her for bringing the guest to my apartment as well. If you're fairly certain you didn't kill her, its just progress as normal. She makes a brief dissapperance in the game. Like we said, you'll see her again soon. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll leave it at that.
Heather is a pain in the butt anyway!!
She isnt relay worth the free feed , hehe and for gods sake dont get to attached to her
As for the claw bro,s if you ve made a real seduction char you might be in big trouble coz your not going to sweet talk your way past these two!
I found celerity was the key, keep moving and buffing try to get on the stairs ,when they teleport away move away as well, they seem to try to get one of them behind you , if you can prevent them doing this you will get them eventualy !!
Well.. got past the sabbat section.. they did kill her infront of me so I guess I know now that I didnt kill her myself.. that b*tch didnt give me the armor..
>;-[ oh well
Getting the armor is a bit tricky. You have to make very regular visits to assure you get it. I believe that its triggered when you visit her after the Society of Leopold quest and before visiting with LaCroix to get the next quest. As such, its fairly tricky. I missed out on it my first time too. And, of course, you've got to have been nice to Heather the whole time to get it.