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Something I wish was added...

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Something I wish was added...

Post by telemantros »

I was thinking the other day about something. After you beat Fable, how cool would it be to have multiple, and different, lvls of the Arena Quest? That was my favorite part of the game and I wish they would have added some stuff to do after you beat it, but oh well.

The first time I did the arena, I tried to use a trophy to get reknown lol, drat it didn't work! :D
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Post by joeko »

**** Cheats ****

I take it you might know the reknown cheat but just in case you don't... every time you are taking a new quest make sure to take the boast(s) and instead of taking the boast go ahead and dig somewhere in the look out point, that will duplicate the amount of ppl you have watching you, keep on doing this for a while - *WARNING* it'll slow the heck out of the game - and if you do it right you'll get a whole lot of reknown points... if you see the villagers walking away just get on top of the boast platform and they will come on their own... I was playing last night and I did it with the Trader's Feather (a fairly cheap throphy) and I did it with 81 ppl and I got 16 hundred reknown points... don't worry about the booing by the villagers, they will only walk away but again.. just get in the platform and they will all come back.

Another cheat... when you take a boast, say you take the Hobbe Cave one.. and you choose fist fight, no scratch, naked and no harm on the kid you can go ahead and let all the cons happen i.e. let yourself be hit, use your weapon, put on clothing and let the kid be harmed.. hero save and reload, this time around the game will not naked you down nor pu your weapon away or like if you and the kid get hurt it won't record it and it will give you a win on all the boasts.

Happy trails :D
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Post by penguin_king »

i personally would have liked to not max out any part of my character, just continure to get bigger, faster, and more powerful
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