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KOTOR II (spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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KOTOR II (spoilers)

Post by Drav001 »

I know this has probably been done to death so forgive me.

Just finished it last night with a light sider.

After staring at the screen for a few minutes trying to comprehend how a company formed with people who have created some of the best RPG's and stories we've ever seen could screw up so badly i came up with the following points.

1) potential for KOTOR III
3) After reading some of the posts here (and that cut ending bit) its clear to me that we were ripped off pretty badly. Kotor I is clearly a much tighter game. The exile theme was great, untill you started hopping around the galaxy in the last parts.
4) Will there be a Kotor III? and if so, they better do it right.

There was probably more, but it was late when i finished it and it took a while for the horror to filter out of my system.
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Darth Zenemij
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Post by Darth Zenemij »

...(don't mean to sound snobby or anything)What is your'e point in this thread?
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...

[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... :o Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
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Crunchy in milk
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Post by Crunchy in milk »

The ending was a little weak and a lot of loose threads where left untied but overall I enjoyed the story significantly more in Sith Lords than in Knights. The npcs even in their buggy half coded state are far more rounded and interesting than those on offer in the original, and the story, although ending poorly, had greater depth than in Kotor which had a rather simplistic black and white plot.

While the final-final dark side ending is hardly any different to the light side, the overall plot points fit much better with a darker or at least neutral (jedi rebellious) bent to your character.

I'm not entirely sure how much hope I can muster for a sequel, story wise Revan and Exile are now out in unknown space with no Jedi Council, no Republic, no Empire ... not much of a tie to anything star wars universe related... it smacks more of putting them out of sight and mind. Will Kotor 3 have you play yet ANOTHER amnesiac?

Overall the level design in Kotor is undeniably superior. Detail and beauty is present everywhere. I think Kotor 2 had some excellent animations and effects, and even had some beautiful levels too. But generally it was a low quality mixed bag (ie: Traya's academy, Jedi Enclave lower levels etc etc etc). There are clear improvements in kotor 2 to animations and modeling. I loved the squid heads especially.

If Obsidian do get the go ahead to make a third in the series I can only hope they get more development time because there is enough glimpses of quality visuals, story and mechanics improvements in Kotor 2 to suggest a well polished 3rd installment by Obsidian could knock Kotor off its pedestal.
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Post by saint_spyro »

kotor 2 is flawed

i agree that kotor 2 is seriously flawed... after i fought with kreia.. i was rather shocked that it actually end there... it doesnt explain anything and the side story are not well completed... how could they possibly compromise story standards with the deadline( for E3)... seriously speaking.. would any one of u mind if they released the game at a later date but with a more perfect storyline without any breakdown at any side stories??
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