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Why isn't Lloth included?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale II.
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Should Lloth have been included?

Perhaps, but if Lloth was included so should Clangeddin and some other racial deities.
Perhaps, but if Lloth was included so should Clangeddin and some other racial deities.
Perhaps, but if Lloth was included so should Clangeddin and some other racial deities.
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Why isn't Lloth included?

Post by Erenor »

Icewind Dale II forces you to pick a deity to follow as a cleric. They even make you pick only one (which makes perfect sense from the role-playing perspective), but why isn't Lloth one of the options? Icewind Dale includes Drow PC's and the chief deity of the Drow is Lloth, but you can't have a cleric who worships her! A sizeable chunk of the game involves the Underdark and dealings with the Drow, but you can't base a character on the evil goddess. Becoming a Demarch of Mask is about the only close way of representing a Drow cleric/priestess. Does anyone else agree that Lloth should have been one of the eight original choices of selected deity in Icewind Dale II?
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Yes, I agree Lloth should have been available for Drow Clerics, as well as these deities:
- Moradin for Shield and Gold Dwarves
- Laduger for Gray Dwarves
- Correlon Larethian for Moon Elves
- Rillifane Rallathil for Wild Elves (although Druids are more common divine spellcasters amongst them)
- Ellistrae for Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Good-aligned Drow
- Garl Glittergold for Rock Gnomes
- Callurdan Smoothhands for Deep Gnomes
- Yondalla for Lightfoot and Strongheart Halflings
- Sheila Perroyl for Ghostwise Halflings

Of course, the list could go on, but those seem to the most likely IMHO.
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Post by dj_venom »

I think a good idea would be to have a small number of general deities. Then, if you choose a certain race, such as drow, extra choices become available. That way, your race really impacts on your character, and can increase the rolepaying.
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Post by monggo »

one thought wouldent this mean that all racial gods should bee included
Grumsh for orcs would be fun
but then you would have to add classes such as shaman and witchdoctor
as i said only a thought but still if someone would make a mod with this it would be really fun

oooooooooooo they made the game mod friendly so u can mod in priestess of Llolth if u want
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Post by Painflux »

I agree with DJ Venom, that class dependent dieties would have been a truly great thing! It would give the game a lot more aspects.
But, if more dieties where added, more cleric special abilities would also need to be added in order to make the followers of each diety unique. Making all that must be a lot o' work, but it would be really cool if it actually was that way :p
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