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Carth or Canderous?

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Carth or Canderous?

Canderous Ordo
Canderous Ordo
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Carth or Canderous?

Post by shaedar »

Which blaster-toting human npc do you prefer to take in your party, and why?
Do you keep them around just for their usefulness in a fight, or do their sparkling personalities play a part as well?
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Post by Grishnakh »

LS: Carth and Bastila
DS: Canderous and HK-47

In both cases it is for their peanut gallery comments. Carth and Bastila throw barbs at each other like an old married couple. Canderous and HK-47 consistently encourage me to greater acts of DS depravity and they're a great late-game support for a DS force user. They can clean up anything left after a couple hits of Force Storm.

I also find a lot of entertainment value in playing a DS "punk" with Bastila and Juhani along because they make constant henpecking commentary on how "inappropriate" it is for me to be doing this-or-that, and then they both end up slaughtering whatever poor idiot I just picked a fight with anyways (key: let Bastila idle with Speed active).

If you ever jerk Nico around on Tatooine (Motta the Hutt's swoop racing sidequest), make sure you have Mission along with you when you "sign the deal". Her peanut gallery comment really cracked me up last night. Also on Tatooine, the "estranged wife" scenario is best solved with Bastila in the active party, simply because of her DS-ish mysogynistic commentary.

As for usefulness in a fight, Carth is better in the early and midgame with twin pistols and still dishes out a fair amount of damage in the late game with the same format. Canderous in the late game with a tooled up rifle or heavy weapon and Master Power or Master Sniper is amazing. So is HK-47, for that matter, be he only becomes useful in the late game when he wakes himself up post-plot-twist.
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Post by Cuchulain82 »


Carth is powerful. However, he is horribly annoying! I can't stress enough how much Carth annoys me.
DS: Canderous and HK-47
Canderous and HK are much more fun to use. HK is, by far, the best character in the game for roleplaying purposes.
Canderous in the late game with a tooled up rifle or heavy weapon and Master Power or Master Sniper is amazing.
I actually change Canderous and make him a melee character- his higher strength and ability to wear heavy armor means he destroys characters using ranged weapons up close. Plus, the Wookie sword and other melee weapons are way more powerful than any other heavy weapon.
So is HK-47, for that matter, be he only becomes useful in the late game when he wakes himself up post-plot-twist.
Actually, as soon as you can repair HK, he is really useful- you shouldn't wait to do this.
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