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Headless Chickens

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Lord Froth
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Headless Chickens

Post by Lord Froth »

I am at the Czerka site on Telos and there are lots of mercenaries at the base of a platform. I have Kreia and Bao-Dur in my party and I try to concentrate them all on one merc at a time but they keep running off by themselves and getting killed. I am finding it impossible to control all three and they constantly run up the ramp to the platform to attack the turrets.

Does anyone have any helpful advice as to getting past this section of the game as I am totally stuck and I am on the verge of quitting.
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Post by paulsbo »

Here's what I did the first time through:

The mercenaries are pretty spread out, so when you attack one, you're only drawing fire from 2 or 3 at a time, and they don't run up to attack you. My first time through I worked it methodically, picking the farthest one away, killing him, then running away to heal. My party members kept doing their own thing, and they both died, but I stayed alive because I backed off to heal. I then went back in and took the next merc out, then ran off to heal. You can clear the entire base of the platform this way, and it was only by a stroke of luck that I defeated the turrets this way.

Second time through, I did it in solo mode. MUCH easier not having to worry about your party members dying, and when you get the entire base cleared, you can take your whole party back up to take out the turrets.
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Post by Grishnakh »

Or you can try changing the default tactics for each of your party members so that they'll do what they're told. By default, everyone is "aggressive". That means they'll grab an appropriate weapon and rush off to use it on somebody whenever a fight starts.

You probably want to have them on a different setting. I call this "being a leader".

The other thing you can do is pause the game frequently, switch active control to the NPC, designate a specific target/action/etc, and then unpause the game. I call this "micro-management".

You need to either be a leader, be a manager, or play solo. I think you'll find a number of frustrating encounters in the game if you attempt to do everything as a solo, while keeping party members around, but not providing them with either leadership or management.
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Post by Djengo Torx »

^Exactally what I do. If you want them to run around, then set their tactics to aggresive. Ranged is pretty good. Stationary is ok but that requires a lot of micro-manegment.

Also, the active control is indeed usefull but if you move you players around it clears whatever commands you had in there.

If all else fail, you can just load up on stims and force valor. You can also run away, go into stealth and come back to plant mines everywhere.
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Post by Ripe »

Don't forget to put Kreia to Jedi support - that way she will use the force to buff herself (and because of the Force Chain you aswell) and your other party member.
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Lord Froth
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Post by Lord Froth »

I tried the running away and healing method and finally managed to defeat the mercs. Thanks for all your suggestions.
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Djengo Torx
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Post by Djengo Torx »

well, if you're levelled up then you should have no problem taking one group on at a time and just heal up a bit before going to the next one.
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