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Bolvyn Venim and becoming Redoran Hortator

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dragon wench
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Bolvyn Venim and becoming Redoran Hortator

Post by dragon wench »

Okay.. seems I've hit some kind of bug this time round..
Last time I played through the main quest I had no trouble getting Bolvyn Venim to challenge me to a duel. Now, however, the duel dialogue will not trigger. I have done a search on this topic and it seems I'm not the only person to have ever encountered this problem. I followed some of the suggestions that came up in threads I searched, such as going back and talking to Sarethi about dueling Venim, but that still did not initiate Venim's duel challenge. I also read that it might have something to do with Arobar's (or maybe it was Llethri's??) daughter being locked up in Tel Naga on Sadrith Mora.. so I went around and hunted for locked doors in the tower. No luck there either.

I am consequently stumped. I know that I could take the shortcut route by killing Vivec, but I really would prefer to avoid this, so I'd appreciate any insights or suggestions.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe the LGNPC Ald Ruhn component and/or the CM Partners mod has messed up the scripting....


Duh... never mind. I just realised I had completely forgotten to solicit the support of Hlaren Ramoren. :o :rolleyes: :o
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.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
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