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A fairly stupid magic question

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A fairly stupid magic question

Post by Alien_Newborn »

I know this is pretty much the dumbest question of all time, but I've lost my instruction manual, so throw me a frickin' bone here. Anyways....

Having accidentally bought some fairly useless spells, I was hoping to get rid of them, but I'm affraid (drumroll) that I don't know how to do that. Any help to my poor, noobish arse would be apreciated.
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Post by fable »

Click the chosen spell, then hit your Delete key.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Already tried that, it didn't work :confused: :confused:
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Hey wait, I solved my problem (luckily without being brought to shame by more knowledgable members :D )

Hold shift and then click the spell seems to work for me :cool:
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Post by Magrus »

Thanks...I'd forgotten how to do that myself. I just sort of dealt with it the past year or so. :o
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Post by Raumoheru »

well i asked this question not *too* long ago and it was anwered by fable with the shift-click solution.

for the future doing a search through the forums can usually answer your question before you need to post it :cool:

glad to see u got it figured out :D
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

If you are on XBox press either the white or black button on the spell screen. If you are on PC, can't help you. :(
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Post by oozae »

[QUOTE=RebelousDarkElf]If you are on XBox press either the white or black button on the spell screen. If you are on PC, can't help you. :( [/QUOTE]Interesting, I never knew that....
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