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Experience Penalty

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Experience Penalty

Post by neocool00 »

In the past, I've always avoided this, but I'm considering a new solo character. The build is going to be something like this:

Male Drow Lawfully Evil
Rogue 1 / Ranger 1 / Dreadmaster of Bane 13 / Necromancer 15
12 / 13 / 14 / 18 / 18 / 5
Dual Small Blades / Great Sword, Bow

I'm going to start out as Rouge and first level will be Ranger then a level of cleric, once I start getting higher than level 2 w/ Wizard, what is going to be my xp penalty? Is it a flat 20% or can it increase base on other classes or amount of level difference? Also, any suggestions you have about my new character are welcomed.
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Post by shift244 »


The male drow has the favoured class of Wizard, of which the Necromancer is.. strictly speaking, if a specialized one. I do not think that you would get xp penalty from that, implementation in IWD2 to be considered.

You would get xp penalty from your Cleric levels tho.. and that will be a 20% against your rogue and ranger levels, once you have 3 cleric levels. As I know, it should be a straight 20% penalty regardless of the number of levels you differ, but I do recall the implementation in IWD2, if you take it only once, or once for each ranger and for again rogue.

I would not worry about xp penalties for solo playing tho, since you will be getting the full whack of xp from all sources, an 80% inrease still nets you levels much faster than being in a team of two... plus you would gain xp from the extra few kills due to the penalty itself, of which a character without the penalty would get nothing... unless they level squat.

Just my copper piece.. and it seems it didn't quite answer your question. :p

As for your character, speaking from the number P.O.V:

I question the single level of rogue. What is its point? Is it a role-playing choice? Or are you simply aiming for the initial bulk of skill points? You do not get Evasion in that level, and I really fail to see the point.

As for the Ranger level, I can only guess that you are aiming for the "free" two-weapon feats. Is this going to the a warrior-mage style? If it is, I would suggest you rethink on yout attack bonuses which might hurt with the Necro levels, coupled with the two-weapon penalties. If my guess it true.. you might actually want to consider using larger weapons for their damage output, with a Haste spell.. since from what I read you only get one extra attack no matter what; meaning that two-weapons plues Haste nets you the same number of attacks as would one weapon plus Haste. (I can't really say that my experience with the game supports it, since an extra attack is quite easily missed within the sea of attack rolls that scolls in the message box.)

Having both casting from Int and Wis based would spread your spell levels thin. You are prepared for no high level spells, but your attributes would be lowered to favor two instead of one attribute.. further reducing spell penetration and save rolls against your benefit. And if you're a warrior-mage it would spread your atributes to no better than 12 for most.. with concentration in Int and Wis, then Dex. Perhaps you can dump Cha, but you still have to contend with 5 attributes. Me? I don't like the numbers.. from the Power Play Perspective.

Of course it is only my view, but I'd rather have a Drow Paladin 1/Monk 1/Sorcerer x... ;)
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Post by Erenor »

[QUOTE=shift244] Of course it is only my view, but I'd rather have a Drow Paladin 1/Monk 1/Sorcerer x... ;) [/QUOTE]

A drow paladin just doesn't seem right at all! Why would you choose this mix, if you don't mind me asking?
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Post by Raven_Song »

I can't answer for Erenor but I'd use the build for the following benefits:

High charisma needed for the sorcerer combines well with paladins charisma related bonus to saving throws

Monks have higher than average saving throws and I believe evasion plus the ability to add WIS may potentially benefit sorcerer.

I used to play a similar build only substituting the sorcerer for cleric

LG Drow female
Paladin of Ilmater (2) / Monk of the Broken Ones (3) / Painbearer of Ilmater (X)

Although she was quite weak at lower levels (in terms of hitting) her saving throws were amazing and eventually the clerical spells improved her combat capabilities. Plus the extra speed of the monk meant that she would simpley run round and round picking off her enemies with her crossbow.

Alas as she were about to teach the cold hearted Aurilites of the Ice Temple a much needed lesson in humility my hard drive crashed. :mad:

Maybe i'll begin her adventure again. :D
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Post by neocool00 »

I dropped the Rogue level, it was there for the Hide ability, but then I remembered I can get that with Ranger.

Male Drow Lawfully Evil
Ranger 1 / Dreadmaster of Bane 13 / Necromancer 16
12 / 13 / 14 / 18 / 18 / 5
Small Blades/ Great Sword, Bow
Skills: Alchemy, Bluff, Concentration, Hide, Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft
Feats: Dash(?), Combat Casting(?), Dodge(?), All Spell Focuses, Spell Penetration(?), Spirit of Flame

The question marks represent Feats that I'm not sure about taking. Suggestions?
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Post by Erenor »

[QUOTE=neocool00]I dropped the Rogue level, it was there for the Hide ability, but then I remembered I can get that with Ranger.[/QUOTE]
Actually, I believe you can hide with any character as long as they are wearing light or no armor. Spell Penetration is useful and I would definately recommend Dash if you plan on running away and sniping from time to time, although the haste spell works just as well here.
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Post by shift244 »

Raven_Song is right about my motives.. and while rather odd to have the usually evil Drow be a paladin, we are not too worried about that in IWD are we? Even if we are I already have a nice story worked up since I have quite a thought of bringing the character in a real RP... but that waits to be seen.

I have thought of exchanging the Sorcerer for Cleric levels.. but then the Paladin Cha to saves would not be as useful then. Better a Monk 1/Cleric x with a female Drow? No xp penalties too... :D

As for the Hide, yes any character with at least 1 point in Hide can attempt to do so even in heavy armor. You just take more penalties on your checks, which even if you're not in any armor is not going to be of much use if you cannot keep it on at least 3/4 max... i think. Not sure on that tho
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Post by Aramant »

You don't need any ranks in hide or move silently to sneak about. They just make your success chance more likely. The game "rolls" a d20, adds your Dexterity modifier, any racial bonuses and magical bonuses, adds your ranks, if any, and subtracts any negative modifiers such as the armor check penalty.

So even with a 9 Dexterity (-1 modifier) and mundane, non-magical full plate (-6 armor check penalty), and no racial or magical bonuses to Hide, you can still get as high as a 13 on your Hide check. While not spectacular, it can still be successful.
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Post by shift244 »

Hmm... that is true for the actual rules,

but my experience in IWD2 seem to disagree. I have tried hiding characters without ranks in that skill, perticularly wierd attempts with the wizard/sorcerer trying to cast a spell at something the rogue spotted while scouting. Even in no armor... and no one but party members in sight, they still do nothing. This is using the hotkey. I didn't actually try getting into the menu tho... perhaps its something with the reassigned hotkey? Or I just got some weird thing in my game.... :confused:
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Post by Aramant »

Or maybe the game engine just demands a high roll.

Though you still have to beat the enemy's Spot check, and his modifier might be high.
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Post by neocool00 »

I always thought that a minimum you need to have a least one skill point in a skill in order to be able to use it. Regardless of modifying attribute. I remember times when I was going to pickpocket somebody using my Rogue, but I hadn't put any skill points in PP, so it was greyed out as an option. Anywho, I've ditched the Rogue level and only taking one Ranger so that will give me the hide ability at the cost of one skill point.
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Post by Aramant »

Some skills require actual training, represented in possessing ranks in the skill, but not all of them.
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