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Cool Argonians

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Cool Argonians

Post by Blackshadow »

I've always wanted to make an Argonian but was never sure on what armours and clothes made an Argonian look cool.So please send some pics of the coolest looking Argonians you have ever made.
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Post by fable »

Pics aren't allowed up in threads, but we do allow links to pics.

As for clothes, etc, I suggest you check out Morrowind Summit. Do a search in their mod database on Argonian. ALternatively, just check off the checkbox marked clothes. There's tons of mods that add all kinds of things in Morrowind.
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Post by Blackshadow »

You know its the end of the world when your xbox breaks apart, and when the pc goes, well there is time for a job, right?
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