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Spelling in thread titles

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Spelling in thread titles

Post by Yeltsu »

Would it be possible for the mods to correct spelling errors in thread titles? Because it doesn't really look good with spelling errors in various titles across the board.

It could be done automatically, or they could notify in the thread e.g "corrected spelling in title"
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Post by Faust »

[QUOTE=Yeltsu]Would it be possible for the mods to correct spelling errors in thread titles? Because it doesn't really look good with spelling errors in various titles across the board.

It could be done automatically, or they could notify in the thread e.g "corrected spelling in title"[/QUOTE]

Ha. That's a tall order for mods. Don't they already have enough to do without doing spell check for posters?
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Post by Xandax »

Why on earth should we (moderators) start to spell check peoples titles (and later posts?) on a forum where many people are international users who offen don't have english as a primary/national language? (myself inclusive?)
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Post by Brynn »

Because "Knowlage" is really horrible :p
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Post by Yeltsu »

@Xandax: English is also my second language, and I realise that spelling errors are acceptable since it is, as you say an international forum. I understand that mods have alot to do, but I think that doing something as small as correcting spelling errors in titles, 1) people might learn something and improve their English 2) The board looks alot nicer (I think) when we have a boar seemingly free of spelling errors.
I do not suggest in any way that you should go through people's posts and correct spelling there, that would be pointless, but just the titles, giving the board a better look.

@Brynn: I didn't want to give any examples, but yeah, it is things like "Knowlage" and "Word ascosiation" that gave me the idea.
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Post by Aegis »

And then the Mod's here at GB are given the stigma of being condescending, or spelling tyrants. I'll pass. Frankly, I happy enough with their being a non-existent presense of 'l337' speak, not to mention that it's not as though GB is not the only forum that has the occasional misspelt word in a thread title.
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Post by Yeltsu »

Of course, it is entirly up to the mods to decide, I was merely making a suggestion :)
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=Yeltsu]@Xandax: English is also my second language, and I realise that spelling errors are acceptable since it is, as you say an international forum. I understand that mods have alot to do, but I think that doing something as small as correcting spelling errors in titles, 1) people might learn something and improve their English 2) The board looks alot nicer (I think) when we have a boar seemingly free of spelling errors.
I do not suggest in any way that you should go through people's posts and correct spelling there, that would be pointless, but just the titles, giving the board a better look.

You say you think the "boards would look alot nicer", but suppose how "nice" it is to newcommers or visitors to see moderators running spell-checking on peoples titles (to start). It would not only be very invading and offensive to many people, but it would also convey that image to other people. I'd personally hate for any moderator to go in and correct a thread title I made, simply because of a spelling mistake. I already hate it when people "try and be helpfull" by pointing out spelling mistakes/typos in a post, which dosen't affect the content/meaning.

There are many threads being created each day, and I am by no mean a perfect speller - not even in my own language - so I'd have to use a dictonary to start checking if people posted in proper english. And should it be British english or US english? Should slang be allowed in titles, because slang can be national specific and so on.

There are way many issues with such a proposal.
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Post by fable »

Too few resources, too much work for all mods. And it's uncomfortably close to censorship, for me. I share your concern about poor spelling in general, Yeltsu, but we need to remember that this isn't our house: it's Buck's. He doesn't appear to mind.
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Post by jopperm2 »

If there are any threads with errors int the titles, just PM the thread starter, they can PM the MOds and get it corrected.
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Post by dragon wench »

I would be the first person to admit that I can be really anal about language. I mean, I actually sometimes go back and edit ancient posts that nobody is ever going to read again.. :rolleyes: :o :rolleyes:

But, as others have already stated, I think it would be really offensive and intrusive for mods to just go in and correct the spelling in somebody's title. As it is, I found certain recent incidents involving spelling more than a little over the top.....

Disallowing Leetspeak is important; even tactfully encouraging members to take some effort at making themselves more understandable (as happened with Dark Elf Night) is fine.

But, IMO there is no need to create an 'official' spelling Gestapo at Game Banshee. That would just be obnoxious..
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Post by Coot »

How about creating a spelling-moderator? That way other moderators wouldn't be seen as spelltyrants. No? How about a spelling forum where members can point out spellingmistakes to eachother? The J'accuse forum? IMO that would improve the friendly atmosphetre here at GB greatly.
We could add another one for grammar and some subforums for interpunction and the like. Also a sticky with a list of common spellingmistakes and how to avoid them.
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Post by Darth Zenemij »

yeah agree with Xandax , I wouldn't really like it if every other mod came and corrected my spelling on a daily basis or something. (And I would know so, I have a tad bit lower grammer skill that the average person.)
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Post by pitfalllarry »


Typos and the like have never bothered me on forums and bulletin boards...honestly, I never thought anyone would be judging me by my grammar and spelling. I mean, I wouldn't hand in a paper without proofing it, but sometimes I just want to post something and get on with it.
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Post by Coot »

The trouble with typo's and spelling mistakes is that if you need help regarding, say, thieves in BG, the search results will give you all posts about thieves, but not about theives, thiefes etc. That's also why searching for posts about certain people or temples in Morrowind is so difficult. :)
Also, while most people won't complain about a few grammar mistakes it's common courtesy to make sure people will understand your question or comment.
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