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Souls (spoilers?)

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Souls (spoilers?)

Post by Oscuro_Sol »

To start your stronghold for House Telvanni you need to get a construction contract from Dren (done) and 2 Daedra souls.
My first question is if you can buy a soul gem that is already filled so you don't have to run into some ruins (I'm a low level >_<). I already stole the Balmora mage girl's winged twilight soul a long time ago, so I just need one more soul. I know you can summon Daedra and then trap their souls, but I can't take on any of the "high challenge " Daedra yet, I'm just not good enough at this point. Anyone know of any stores you can buy a filled Daedra soul at?
Second question (mostly out of curiousity) is why on earth do you need soul gems to build a stronghold? Did I miss something in the dialogue or...?
Thanks in advance,
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Post by dragon wench »

I'm not 100% certain, but I think that one of the mages in the Sadrith Mora Telvanni tower (the main one where you get your quests from the mouths) might sell a soul gem with a strong soul. Just scout along the various passages and eventually you'll come across the mage merchants.

Note: Somebody else will have to clarify, but I have the vague recollection that your strong soul has to be in a grand soul gem... which is perhaps why you were given the two in order to complete the quest.
If you are extremely low level, just buy or brew enhancement potions (i.e fortify attack, fortify strength) that you can consume during the battle with the said daedra. I'm pretty sure btw that it has to be at least a frost atronach. IMO, it is easier to fight golden saints than frost or storm atronachs, and there is no doubting that their souls will suffice.
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Post by Raven_Song »

If I recall there is a rather forgetful Altmer sorceress somewhere in the Gateway Inn, who carelessly left a grand soul gem with a hunger trapped inside lying on a nearby table. I simpley swiped it from right in front of her (despite shouting thief for some reason it wasn't classed as a crime and I acquired no bounty).

Should save your running round ruins battling daedra. :D
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

Thanks a lot, I'll check it out. :)
Oh yeah, I already tried frost -- it wasn't strong enough.
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

Eh well, I checked the Council House but no luck :( I'm either blind or there wasn't one there. *sigh*
I took the hunger gem but just like the frost atronach, it wasn't strong enough for the Dunmer stronghold girl. Sheesh.
Still, thanks for all the advice, I'm going to try and summon a golden saint and catch that. Wish me luck! ;)
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