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Any advice for killing Salamanders?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Any advice for killing Salamanders?

Post by Vash854 »

Inside the temple I have got the a guy blocking my way to a chest and when I fight him alot of salamanders start to appear, I can't even kill 2 of them without haveing everyone die, any advice from anyone that killed them? My party is made of 3 people and all lvl 10 (paladin/warrior), wizard and a cleric, any advice on how to use them well against salamanders?
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

A key thing for this fight is fire-resistance. There should be several rings of f.r. in your possession by now. Barring the rings, you can use the spell protection from energy: fire. If you have a wizard, use cone of cold. There's a wand of chain lightning somewhere that is also useful here. Greater invisibility will let you get right up close to the Salamanders (there are 2 Salamanders and 8 or so Flamebrothers, by the way: the sallies are the ones you need to worry about, as they cast fireball) and kill them quick. Once they're down, the others should not be too tough, with f.r.
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Post by Vash854 »

Thanks, I'll try that.
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