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Why is the end so boring/crappy?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Why is the end so boring/crappy?

Post by egervari2 »


Why is the last planet Malachor V so boring for? I mean, it's designed really poorly. It's slow, not much to do, a big clunky map and overly long. And the game's pace sort of dies down even on the ravager. I mean, you have most to all of the best stuff minus a few armors or a second mandalorian disintegrater. You basically breeze through everything. I was at level 28 and the Sith Lord on the bridge died in a few hits. It would have been faster, but the game has some cutscenes in the middle of the battle that slow you down... and it makes no sense because they indicate how hard to battle is when it was a piece of cake.

I guess I was expecting more. I mean, I was thinking of playing through the game again, but the end place is so rediculously easy that trying out different builds isn't going to yeild that much difference in gameplay since I pretty much know what works and what doesn't. Damn efficiency.
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Post by Space Goat »

A Rush and a Push from GameSpy should tell you what you want to know.
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Post by Ripe »

The article on Gamespy is only half the story (why the end looks so boring and slow). The reason game is too easy is in unbalanced classes and unbalanced and way too powerfull force powers.
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Post by kams »

you can find missing content here:
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Post by d3r3k »

well, that sheds some light.

but even with it, i am unable to piece together what the ending was supposed to be like.
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Post by veritech »

try at least 3 more replays

Well i thought the same thing about the game when i beat it the first time. BUT! i read some forums and walkthroughs and realized i had missed many of the side missions in the game. My first time was a light sided female. The next time was a Dark sided Female. Third time i played as a light sided female-blaster wielding jedi ( used no melee weapons) Fourth time i played as light male and decided to try and complete all the side missions such as Atton became a jedi and handmaiden. I wasn't able to convince Bao-dur or Mira. Oh well. Only thing agravating was that atton didn't make jedi status until the final Dantoinne mission. Oh and i ended up having sex with Visa's jedi style! haha. I guess my 5th and final play will be to convert Bao-dur and Mira and then uninstall the game and put it up on a shelf. But what i wanted to say was to at least play it 3 times. There's alot to do and i'm sure you may have missed something along the way. That is unless you followed a walkthrough word for word.

Waiting for the sequel.
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Post by Solahma »

Yes also waiting for the sequal.

Perdications are as follows:

Revan was light side male, exile is of course dark, the whole game is much more sith oriented then the first so no doubt after killing all the lords you assume the mantle and hunt down the last light jedi (Revan) and maybe some of his apprentices he found on his journey to the outer rim or wherever he went.

Which also can be played from Revans point of view to kill the last sith lord or lords which would be (you the exile the all mighty Lord) and apprentices, the jedi's you turned to the dark side, Bao Dur, Handmaiden, Atton, Visas.

Sounds pretty solid, your basic 3rd Kotor, light vs dark, choose your path, and it finalizes the 3 games in a trilogy.
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