Knight Quest?
Knight Quest?
I've spent an endless amount of time trying to find the Black Knight Sir Tyran, who is supposed to be in the bolen fields somewhere, to kill to prove my honor so i can finish the knight quest but so far ive been unable to find him, help!
I just did this one tonight. I was south of Lord Graemare's camp, near one of the statues, when I ran into Tyran. It started like a random encounter, so maybe it's just random.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
[QUOTE=Phaet]I'm trying to find this knight...
those road signs should be more accurate. Should I head to 'devil marsh' or the other way? I'll try the other one for now.[/QUOTE]
the other way is toward bolen fields which is where you need to go. why not look at the world map? maybe if your box didnt come with it (i have heard some didn't ) it is here:
those road signs should be more accurate. Should I head to 'devil marsh' or the other way? I'll try the other one for now.[/QUOTE]
the other way is toward bolen fields which is where you need to go. why not look at the world map? maybe if your box didnt come with it (i have heard some didn't ) it is here: