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Level 6 spells

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Level 6 spells

Post by Fullmonte »

A few questions...

First question...I have everything i need to destry the gem except for the Gust of Wing scroll. I had it and sold it before I new what it was...Is there anyplace else to get one?

Second question...Its been twenty eight days since I freed the prince and still no sword for a reward. I read Im supposed to get the sword in a random encounter. Am I suppossed to go somewhere special? Also a couple of other people I freed from the temple offered rewards later. Do we ever actually get them?

Third question...I summoned a Mordekins (sp) faithful hound and now the thing wont go away (hence the name faithful?) It doesnt help at all and when Im trying to lure tough creatures through a narrow entrance one at a time it gets in the way so my plans dont work. How do I get rid of it.
Thanks in advance
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