where is miner arober
where is miner arober
I have searched the redoran council cambers all over and have found all the other councilers but cann't find arober, aayone be able to fill me in PLEASE.thanx
Arobar's manor isn't in the Council Chambers... nor are any (but one) of the councilors.
When you enter The big clamshell (under skar is what they call whats inside the big clamshell) in Ald-ruhn search the doors that line the outer wall. This means going along the catwalks around the shell.
It's easy to get lost or get backwards and forget where youve been or what youve seen, so you should start going clockwise or counterclockwise from the entance door.
I forget specifically which one is his, but only one of the outer wall doors (with the exception of the doors to the council chambers) is NOT the door to a Coucil Member's manor.
When you enter The big clamshell (under skar is what they call whats inside the big clamshell) in Ald-ruhn search the doors that line the outer wall. This means going along the catwalks around the shell.
It's easy to get lost or get backwards and forget where youve been or what youve seen, so you should start going clockwise or counterclockwise from the entance door.
I forget specifically which one is his, but only one of the outer wall doors (with the exception of the doors to the council chambers) is NOT the door to a Coucil Member's manor.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
-albert einstein
-albert einstein