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Destruction Spell DC

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Destruction Spell DC

Post by Heidrek »

I cast this every now and again and noticed that despite a wisdom of 28 and GSF: Necromancy, my cleric hardly ever killed anyone with this spell.

I checked the feedback window and noticed that sone random creature (a Histachi or Yaun-Ti I think) rolled a Fortitude save of 20 and was sucessful.

By my calculation, the DC of my Destruction spell should be 10+4(GSF:Nec)+7(spell level)+9 (wisdom bonus) for a total of 30. That critter should be smoke! One of the main reasons I took GSF: Nec. was to boost my Destruction spell! If this spell has a set DC of 14 or something I'll be gutted. Could have had Weapon Specialisation: Greatsword instead!

I also noticed that the Massive Halberd of Hate +4 has a higher DC to resist the life drain effect than most weapons (most have DC14). I think the MHH has DC 20.
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Post by silverdragon72 »


rolling a "20" you always make a save - same as you always miss it, if rolling a "0" - no matter of DC and the basic save stat!

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Post by Heidrek »

no, I don't mean the die roll was a 20 I mean the total was 20, infact every time I cast this spell the creature saves on totals of 23 etc. Has this happened to anyone else?
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Post by silverdragon72 »


sorry - misunderstood you!

destruction doesn't work against undead and constructs - might be possible that the Yaun-Ti have a wrong classification!

Once I casted banishment and one of my PCs was also gone!!!

So there seems to be a few classification problems!

AFAIK destruction doesn't has a preset DC!

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