Here I am putting undeeded pints into lickpock/disarm when all you really need is Inspect and an a below average lockpick/disarm skill... =)
If you find a chest with 10% or more on its "Chance to suceed" you can most likely suceed in unlocking it - just cast your "Time control" crystle - this slows down time and also slows down the red bar so you have more time to press the correct cominination...
as long as you have a high enough inspect skill, you can just about see what symbols are in what order before you click on "Disarm" therfore youc an ready yourself for some quick clicking...
this has worked wonders for me ... as i have manged to unlock some chests with four symbols and with just a 10% chance of sucess....
hope this helps someone else... cant ebleive i didnt relise this sooner ;P
Boy Am i stupid :D
Well Dang.. that would work well. but that also means your spending spells (and MOney for them) on the slow time spell, not cheap if i recall correctly, not to mention lock picks help alot too and you can get those for free as drops. and you can go from about 10% to about 50% with level 1 picks i think.
but yeh you still want a high inspect skill. I'll have to try this out 2nd time around. gona try a Mage this time.
but yeh you still want a high inspect skill. I'll have to try this out 2nd time around. gona try a Mage this time.
Neat trick. I've just been bashing open every lock I come across with 64% success or better. Not a single point spent on inspect, pick locks, or disarm. Of course you need to get some strength for this, but strength is good for melee to which is needed with the damn recharge time on some of the spells.