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Thaco ? Taco ?

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Thaco ? Taco ?

Post by jlau2001 »

just wondering,

How does THACO and armor class work exactly ?
and some damage in PST.. i.e 1d3 = 1 dice with randomly 1-3 damage ?
2d4 = 2 dice with randomly 2-8 damage ?

and how about weapon proficiency skill points ?
Do I get 1 extra point whenever I level up as fighter ? got confused when I level up to lvl 8 fighter but still no points award, only 2 pts left to spare.

Thanks guys !
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Post by sologdin »

THAC0, in D&D parlance, = "to hit armor class zero"

it correlates to armor class insofar as that is the required number one must roll on a 20-sided die to score a hit on a target. recall that in D&D 2nd ed., the lower the armor class, the harder something is to hit. and so THAC0 increases as a target's AC decreases.

that single stat has caused more novice gamers to throw their hands up in frustration than any other single detail (it was also one of the first things changed for D&D 3rd ed.)

damage dice are always slightly confusing--

but 1-3 damage = a 1d3 i.d., a 3 sided die rolled once--in pen and paper, that means rolling a six-sider once, and dividing the result in half, rounding down. the computer just generates a random number, though.

damage 2d4 equals, then, a 4-sider rolled twice, added together, generating a random number from 2 to 8.

dak'kon's "reign opf anger" spell shoots up to five missiles, that each do 3-6, essentially 1d4+2.

see? not *too* confusing.

but rest assured that there is a system behind all of the game's numbers.

weapon proficiencies--

IIRC, in D&D 2nd ed., weapon proficiencies are functions of character class. fighters get 4 (i think) to start, and then gain one every 3rd level after that--so, another at lvl 3, then another at lvl 6, 9, etc. thieves and priests might get them at every 4th, and mages at every 5th--maybe. but i'm not sure how closely torment follows this rule.

if you keep levelling up as a fighter, you will get more proficiencies--but keep in mind that they will just register as empty slots in your character record--you'll need to find a trainer who is himself skilled enough to train you further in weapons.
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