Hi guys,
I've just finished Kotor I as a light side consular, and I've vreally enjoyed it.
I'm curious as how the ending will change if i'll play a dark side character (i've overwrited by mistake my saved game on temple summit where you meet bastila han "and decide the fate of the galaxy" , but i'm vreally not in the mood to play the game again as a ds player.
So could somebody give me a saved game with an ds character right before the final fight with malak?
i'd vreally apreciate it
P.S. btw, if somebody decides to help, send the saved game to alexcarasel@gmail.com
I can't send you a game, but the LS/DS ending is determined by your choice at the Rakatan temple. If you have a saved game before you talk to Bastila, just make a different choice when speaking to her. Choose to join her instead of taking the high road and you will be in line for the DS ending. It isn't as quick as just watching someone else's game, but it is quicker than playing through the whole game again.
I know that the conversation with bastila on top of the temple is the deciding moment for the type of ending you get (ds or ls);
Here's how it is: I had a saved game just before talking to bastila han, and I was saving it for later to check the ds ending also; but i've overwritten it by mistake later, while I was playing in the star forge so now I only have this option (asking for another player saved game); and of course replaying the whole game, but I don’t think that would happen any time soon; (not that i did't enjoyed it, it's just that i've taken the time to do every quest, and to look in every corner, and I don't feel up for that just now
anyway tenx for the answer, I was starting to think that nobody would bother to answer (;
Aww, I wanted to answer, but all I'd say would have been "don't be lazy, playing through the entire game as a DS character is fun!" And irritating Bastila doubly so.
Sorry about the spamming.
Geez I'm paranoid.
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.