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Livonya the scrivener

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Lord Plothos
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Livonya the scrivener

Post by Lord Plothos »

Hi all,

I haven't played it myself, but I just found this little thread detailing some of the work Livonya put into her mod of the game, which can be found over at For the first time, I'm seriously considering taking a look at this (having been put off because of the reports of the difficulty being ramped up so significantly):

Beware of spoilers (highlight to read):

After killing his troops at the moathouse and battling him to a standstill in his chambers, I elected to let Lareth go with a slap on the wrist and a boot in the ass. What's happened since has been nothing short of masterful in modding terms. (I'm aware that many of you have already played through this already. I post it here simply to make a point.)

My group proceeds after time to the Temple Broken Tower, where the troops I encounter there prepare to attack, but instead enter a discussion about Lareth and his whereabouts. I decide to seek him out in order to gain temporary safe passage into the temple. Thinking that the corrupt traders would be as good a place to start as any, I consult with them. Lo and behold, they actually broach the topic with me, but don't reveal anything. Hm. Maybe the next avenue of investigation should be with Burne and Rufus, who safekeep Hommlet, after all. Wonder of wonders, I'm confronted by guards in the tower dungeon, who say they are guarding a prisoner and I'm not allowed in. Huh. I check with Burne and Rufus to verify this piece of information -- unbelieveably, they know about it and will discuss it to an extent, mainly to tell me its none of my business. Now I'm intrigued. I kill some time, then head back to the tower and manage to bull**** my way past the guards. Holy crap, Lareth, it turns out, is the prisoner! He explains that Rufus and Burne sent out a posse and picked him up after I cut him loose, and now here he is. He is not well, as he's been interrogated rather severely. He's also held by some sort of magical ward. I agree to bust him loose, still wanting my free pass into the temple. This might get me in trouble with Burne and Rufus, but hell, they've pretty much told me to butt out, and I've still got an agenda to pursue, after all. I go off and spend a relaxing night at the Welcome Wench.

Next day I'm back at the tower, and I've got a plan. Having not learned the Dispel Magic spell yet and not being of level to know Dimension Door, I casually approach Burne about purchasing these scrolls. He's got them, of course, being a magic merchant. I purchase them and go on my way.

That evening it was time to pull the prison break. I enter the tower surreptitiously and relieve Lareth of his magical ward, then Teleport us to Nulb via the use of my new scrolls. We're out, and no one's the wiser. I take Lareth to the Broken Tower and arrange for a 4000 gp reward, plus safe passage into the temple and resting priveleges at that location. This is all good, as I'll be able to take these guys out from within in the future when their usefullness to me is no longer paramount. I leave Lareth at the Broken Tower and return to Hommlet, slightly concerned for how I might be received there. Will I be attacked on site, the town somehow magically knowing what I did? Or will anyone even know about the jail break? Will Burne and Rufus know themselves, or will they be standing there oblivious with their normal "What can I do for you!" salutations?

Not to worry. Burne is suspicious allright. He should be after all - since I bought those scrolls from him and suddenly Lareth has gone missing. He tells me as much too, although he's not ready to accuse me. Furthermore, I'm not attacked by everyone in town.

Slick piece of (re)writing. The game truly has a lot of mod potential for serious artists like Liv to work with. Makes me wish I had more time on my hands.
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Post by bariumdose »

Yeah, this presents some very intriguing twists to the gameplot. I'll have to check it out once the 2.0 version of Livonya's mod comes out. Thanks for the headsup.
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Lord Plothos
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Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:00 pm

Post by Lord Plothos »

Hi Bariumdose. I hope you don't mind I deleted the quote from your post. It was a really long repost of mine, and I didn't see it doing anything, so I axed it.

No offense intended.
Proud user and advocate of [url=""]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
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