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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

For some easy glass armor and a daedric claymore go to the Armigars stronghold in Molag Mar. Enter and go downstairs. Go into the first door on the right. the guy in there has full glass armor and a daedric claymore. Normally this would be a very tough NPC. Normally. Once you engage him he will throw two or thre spells at you and then be out of magicka. Then he pulls out his daedric claymore. Oh no, you say? How awful, you groan? Wrong. Back him up against the wall and he wont be able to swing his weapon. One exception to this is if he opens the door and runs. he did this to me but I just stabbed him in the back. A locking spell on the door might help with that little problem. Once hes dead you can loot his body to find a full suit of glass armor and a daedric claymore. YOURE CRIME WONT BE REPORTED. Even if another NPC sees you. With the other NPC's just wash, rinse, repeat. Hope you enjoy it.
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