D20 Mutant Races, Classes, and Skills.
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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D20 Mutant Races, Classes, and Skills.
First and foremost. PLEASE don't get discouraged that this won't allow all the abilities that X-men had. For
instance, the Transformational (Think Kurt and Mysique) will not be restricted to just those classes. ANY character,
as long as the requirements are met, can take prestige classes. (Thus making Kurt not just a shapechanger). Just
please be patient for me to add the classes and features to the system. This is how it will go.
(Races, Classes, Skills, Feats, Histories, and Prestige Classes.) There are NO spells whatsoever, so religion
is pointless thing to waste time on, and besides, you all should know the religions of the modern world. You
know, Catholic, Buddhist, Christain, Shintoist, and the others. If I finalize this system, use the rules of
everything not mentioned such as combat or adventuring. You will need a copy of either the 3rd or 3.5 core books
for the game.
There are 3 types of creatures in the world, the Humans, the Gifted, and the Mutated. The humans, as they are
not gifted with abilities are restricted to certain professions. The gifted are more on the mental side of the
Mutants, giving them access to professions that manipulate matter or the human mind. The mutated are more physical
and are rather brutal. If they specialize in an energy or matter, it is to a lesser extent to say a Gifted Elementalist.
Gambit is a Mutated creature. Storm and Pyro are Gifted. Rogue is hybrid of a Mutant and a Gifted. She is one of the very few of her kind.
Humans can vary from weight and height from time to time. They can stand from 5 feet to 7 ft tall,
weigh a typical 105 pounds to a tall or obese 300 pounds.
Humans are the most versatile, adaptable, flexible creatures of Earth. There is no set personality
of the humans as they were gifted with the most adaptable minds at birth.
Speed 30ft
1 extra feat at first level and 4 extra skill points at 1st level. 1 extra skill point every level afterwards.
Favored class- Any
(Humans are restricted to Fighter, Rogue, or Monk.)
(In terms of traits such as elemental or telekenitic, of the few listed in your ability score bonus, you can take 1 and 1 only)
The Gifted-
The gifted look exactly like humans. They eat, breath, and sleep as a human does. Stand as tall as a human.
The only difference is there brighter, not neccesarily paler, skin.
The gifted are usually smart, cunning, and Optimistic. Hardly any of them are evil, but some have converted to the
corrupt kind. Some of these people other than Jean and X include Storm, Pyro, and Cyclops. Cyclops used to have a
blast of electricity, but that changed as Xavier taught him some ways to control it and change it around somewhat
to a lightning and sound blast.
Speed 30ft
+2 to one Mental ability score, -2 to one physical ability score. (Characters choice)
+2 to Diplomacy, Awareness (Listen and spot combined), and Mechanics (Knowledge: Machinery)
Sect ability-
If +2 to Intelligence:
Elemental- Gain minor elemental touch and a minor skin tint (Fire: Red, Ice: Light Blue, Lightning: Paler flesh, Acid: Green)
Minor elemental touch is a touch that can either do nothing or 1d3 points of damage 2/day (Characters choice)
This also gives you the class Elemental Adept. If you were born with the abiliy to manipulate. You also
gain access to the class Mineral expert, but to a maximum of 10 levels
Transformational- This let's you change your appearence at will and gives you the class option of Shapeshifter. Your
TRUE appearence is a blue skinned human with creases in your skin that take on a meaningless pattern. You also
gain the class option of Speed Demon but to a maximum of 10 levels.
If +2 to Wisdom:
Telepathic- This gives you the ability to sense an exact emotion (No save) in a person and allows you to take the
Telepath class.
Telekenitic- This lets you float small objects (5 Lbs max) near you (5ft max). You can hurl it at someone for
1d3 points of damage 1/day. The floating, is unlimited, but hurling the object at someone takes a great amount
of your energy. This gives you the class choice of Psychoportionast or Mineral Savant.
Though moving things with your mind is the same as moving minerals with your mind, Mineral Savant will allow many more features than simple movement.
Jean was a psychoportianist and Magneto was a mineral Savant.
If +2 to Charisma-
Telepathic- This gives you the ability to sense an exact emotion (No save) in a person and allows you to take the
Telepath class.
Transformational- This let's you change your appearence at will and gives you the class option of Shapeshifter.
Favored class- the two listed with each ability score adjustment.
The Mutated-
These creatures tend to take on a whole new skin form or stay the same. It depends on what they were born with to begin with.
They usually tend towards more brutal or fast talk. There voice is either deep and pressing, or light and fluent. They usually
tend towards the chaotic type, but there are many who are with X-men such as Beast and Colossus. Magneto and Gambit are also
among this list.
Speed 30ft
+2 to one physical ability score, -2 to one mental ability score.
+2 to intimidate, Jump, and Tumble
Extra Mutations- see after class accesses.
If +2 to Strength-
Juggernaut- You are quite the brutal one. You have access to the class Barbarian. You gain the ability
to break things easier. You have a +2 damage against objects permanently. You also take a -10 ft to speed
due to the recklesness and behavior. (Sabertooth, Wolverine, and Juggernaut were all Juggernauts)
Warrior- You were born a fierce and tactical warrior. You gain access to the classes Fighter and Swashbuckler.
If +2 to Dexterity-
Agile- You gain a +10 feet and have access to the class Speed Demon.
Maneuverable- You were born a dodging expert. You can declare an opponent your void target and gain a
+2 to AC against that opponent until he dies or you designate a new opponent. You also gain access
to the class Rogue, Monk, and Swashbuckler.
If +2 to constitution-
Armored- You gain the ability to tighten your skin 1/day and gain a +2 natural armor bonus and
can take the class, The Indestructable.
Adaption- You resist 1 type of energy by 5 points permanently. You gain access to 10 levels of any other class including prestige classes.
Rogue, after she stole the power permanently from someone, took the class asscociated with him.
Extra Mutations-
If your character desires or was forced to be further mutated, you can take these abilities-
Adamantium Body- Fast healing 2 and Claws that deal 1d6 points of adamantium damage each. +1 level adjustment.
(Colossus and Wolverine)
Winged- You grow wings and can fly at a speed of 1.5 times your normal speed at average maneuverability. +1 level Adjustment.
Deformed body- Depending on your ability score adjustment, you can take that further to +6, -2 for a +1 level adjustment.
(The blob, Juggernaut)
Favored Weapon- you gain literally anything rather small or rather large as a weapon such as a deck of cards or a lead
pipe and gain proficiency and focus in that weapon. It is not counted as an improvised weapon. Furthermore, if you have
a class ability that allows you to imbue your weapon, then you can treat this as a weapon to imbue it with. +1 level adjustment.
A class with this ability is The psychoportianist, elemental adept, mineral savant.
Hybrid Mutant/Gifted-
At the DM's discression, the player can choose to be both a mutant or a gifted. This gives you a +2 to a physical and a mental ability score. This gives you a +1 level Adjustment. You have access to all the classes as well as a exclusive class, Powerthief.
Rogue was a powerthief. She was a hybrid Mutant and Gifted. After having children, which were all the same, they too were powerthiefs. X surpressed Rogue's powerthieving curse for a month and decided to let her do what she wished. She did anything and everything she could think of, even have children with Iceman. Though the gene from Icemans ice didn't carry over, Rogue's did as it was a rather powerful gene.
I am open to ANY and ALL suggestions. Please tell me, is there something I left out, something not quite right, or any adjustments I should make? I would like to know your opinion as I am freely distributing this among you and you should have a say in it.
Currently this is just the races. I will post 3 threads to this. One of Races, classes, and skills. The next Prestige classes, feats, and other. And finally, a Finalized version of everything.
instance, the Transformational (Think Kurt and Mysique) will not be restricted to just those classes. ANY character,
as long as the requirements are met, can take prestige classes. (Thus making Kurt not just a shapechanger). Just
please be patient for me to add the classes and features to the system. This is how it will go.
(Races, Classes, Skills, Feats, Histories, and Prestige Classes.) There are NO spells whatsoever, so religion
is pointless thing to waste time on, and besides, you all should know the religions of the modern world. You
know, Catholic, Buddhist, Christain, Shintoist, and the others. If I finalize this system, use the rules of
everything not mentioned such as combat or adventuring. You will need a copy of either the 3rd or 3.5 core books
for the game.
There are 3 types of creatures in the world, the Humans, the Gifted, and the Mutated. The humans, as they are
not gifted with abilities are restricted to certain professions. The gifted are more on the mental side of the
Mutants, giving them access to professions that manipulate matter or the human mind. The mutated are more physical
and are rather brutal. If they specialize in an energy or matter, it is to a lesser extent to say a Gifted Elementalist.
Gambit is a Mutated creature. Storm and Pyro are Gifted. Rogue is hybrid of a Mutant and a Gifted. She is one of the very few of her kind.
Humans can vary from weight and height from time to time. They can stand from 5 feet to 7 ft tall,
weigh a typical 105 pounds to a tall or obese 300 pounds.
Humans are the most versatile, adaptable, flexible creatures of Earth. There is no set personality
of the humans as they were gifted with the most adaptable minds at birth.
Speed 30ft
1 extra feat at first level and 4 extra skill points at 1st level. 1 extra skill point every level afterwards.
Favored class- Any
(Humans are restricted to Fighter, Rogue, or Monk.)
(In terms of traits such as elemental or telekenitic, of the few listed in your ability score bonus, you can take 1 and 1 only)
The Gifted-
The gifted look exactly like humans. They eat, breath, and sleep as a human does. Stand as tall as a human.
The only difference is there brighter, not neccesarily paler, skin.
The gifted are usually smart, cunning, and Optimistic. Hardly any of them are evil, but some have converted to the
corrupt kind. Some of these people other than Jean and X include Storm, Pyro, and Cyclops. Cyclops used to have a
blast of electricity, but that changed as Xavier taught him some ways to control it and change it around somewhat
to a lightning and sound blast.
Speed 30ft
+2 to one Mental ability score, -2 to one physical ability score. (Characters choice)
+2 to Diplomacy, Awareness (Listen and spot combined), and Mechanics (Knowledge: Machinery)
Sect ability-
If +2 to Intelligence:
Elemental- Gain minor elemental touch and a minor skin tint (Fire: Red, Ice: Light Blue, Lightning: Paler flesh, Acid: Green)
Minor elemental touch is a touch that can either do nothing or 1d3 points of damage 2/day (Characters choice)
This also gives you the class Elemental Adept. If you were born with the abiliy to manipulate. You also
gain access to the class Mineral expert, but to a maximum of 10 levels
Transformational- This let's you change your appearence at will and gives you the class option of Shapeshifter. Your
TRUE appearence is a blue skinned human with creases in your skin that take on a meaningless pattern. You also
gain the class option of Speed Demon but to a maximum of 10 levels.
If +2 to Wisdom:
Telepathic- This gives you the ability to sense an exact emotion (No save) in a person and allows you to take the
Telepath class.
Telekenitic- This lets you float small objects (5 Lbs max) near you (5ft max). You can hurl it at someone for
1d3 points of damage 1/day. The floating, is unlimited, but hurling the object at someone takes a great amount
of your energy. This gives you the class choice of Psychoportionast or Mineral Savant.
Though moving things with your mind is the same as moving minerals with your mind, Mineral Savant will allow many more features than simple movement.
Jean was a psychoportianist and Magneto was a mineral Savant.
If +2 to Charisma-
Telepathic- This gives you the ability to sense an exact emotion (No save) in a person and allows you to take the
Telepath class.
Transformational- This let's you change your appearence at will and gives you the class option of Shapeshifter.
Favored class- the two listed with each ability score adjustment.
The Mutated-
These creatures tend to take on a whole new skin form or stay the same. It depends on what they were born with to begin with.
They usually tend towards more brutal or fast talk. There voice is either deep and pressing, or light and fluent. They usually
tend towards the chaotic type, but there are many who are with X-men such as Beast and Colossus. Magneto and Gambit are also
among this list.
Speed 30ft
+2 to one physical ability score, -2 to one mental ability score.
+2 to intimidate, Jump, and Tumble
Extra Mutations- see after class accesses.
If +2 to Strength-
Juggernaut- You are quite the brutal one. You have access to the class Barbarian. You gain the ability
to break things easier. You have a +2 damage against objects permanently. You also take a -10 ft to speed
due to the recklesness and behavior. (Sabertooth, Wolverine, and Juggernaut were all Juggernauts)
Warrior- You were born a fierce and tactical warrior. You gain access to the classes Fighter and Swashbuckler.
If +2 to Dexterity-
Agile- You gain a +10 feet and have access to the class Speed Demon.
Maneuverable- You were born a dodging expert. You can declare an opponent your void target and gain a
+2 to AC against that opponent until he dies or you designate a new opponent. You also gain access
to the class Rogue, Monk, and Swashbuckler.
If +2 to constitution-
Armored- You gain the ability to tighten your skin 1/day and gain a +2 natural armor bonus and
can take the class, The Indestructable.
Adaption- You resist 1 type of energy by 5 points permanently. You gain access to 10 levels of any other class including prestige classes.
Rogue, after she stole the power permanently from someone, took the class asscociated with him.
Extra Mutations-
If your character desires or was forced to be further mutated, you can take these abilities-
Adamantium Body- Fast healing 2 and Claws that deal 1d6 points of adamantium damage each. +1 level adjustment.
(Colossus and Wolverine)
Winged- You grow wings and can fly at a speed of 1.5 times your normal speed at average maneuverability. +1 level Adjustment.
Deformed body- Depending on your ability score adjustment, you can take that further to +6, -2 for a +1 level adjustment.
(The blob, Juggernaut)
Favored Weapon- you gain literally anything rather small or rather large as a weapon such as a deck of cards or a lead
pipe and gain proficiency and focus in that weapon. It is not counted as an improvised weapon. Furthermore, if you have
a class ability that allows you to imbue your weapon, then you can treat this as a weapon to imbue it with. +1 level adjustment.
A class with this ability is The psychoportianist, elemental adept, mineral savant.
Hybrid Mutant/Gifted-
At the DM's discression, the player can choose to be both a mutant or a gifted. This gives you a +2 to a physical and a mental ability score. This gives you a +1 level Adjustment. You have access to all the classes as well as a exclusive class, Powerthief.
Rogue was a powerthief. She was a hybrid Mutant and Gifted. After having children, which were all the same, they too were powerthiefs. X surpressed Rogue's powerthieving curse for a month and decided to let her do what she wished. She did anything and everything she could think of, even have children with Iceman. Though the gene from Icemans ice didn't carry over, Rogue's did as it was a rather powerful gene.
I am open to ANY and ALL suggestions. Please tell me, is there something I left out, something not quite right, or any adjustments I should make? I would like to know your opinion as I am freely distributing this among you and you should have a say in it.
Currently this is just the races. I will post 3 threads to this. One of Races, classes, and skills. The next Prestige classes, feats, and other. And finally, a Finalized version of everything.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
- Contact:
PLEASE tell me if this is too insane.
Elemental Adept- Master of Fire, Ice, Acid, Sonic, or Electricity.
Mineral Savant- Master of one Solid, Liquid, or Gas mineral.
Psychoportionast- Master of telekenisis.
Shapechanger- Master of the Many forms.
Speed Demon- Master of speed and agility.
Swashbuckler- Master of dueling and tactical combat.
Telepath- Master of the Mind and domination.
The Indestructable- Master of skin manipultion and strengthening.
Power thief- Steal other mutants/gifted's powers, possibly permanent.
Elemental Adept-
Hit Die- D4
Skills- 2+int modifier(x4 at 1st level)
Skill selection-
Craft (any, all taken individually)
Level-------Base Attack------Saves----------Class Ability
1----------------0-----------0/0/2-------Elemental Resist 5
2----------------1-----------0/0/3-------Elemental Prowess 1
3----------------1-----------1/1/3-----------Energy Pool
4----------------2-----------1/1/4----------Augment Damage
5----------------2-----------1/1/4------------Bonus feat
6----------------3-----------2/2/5-------Elemental Resist 10
7----------------3-----------2/2/5-------Elemental Prowess 2
8----------------4-----------2/2/6----------Shape Element
9----------------4-----------3/3/6----------Augment Size
10---------------5-----------3/3/7------------Bonus Feat
11---------------5-----------3/3/7-------Elemental Resist 15
12---------------6-----------4/4/8-------Elemental Prowess 3
13---------------6-----------4/4/8----------Control Element
14---------------7-----------4/4/9----------Augment Length
15---------------7-----------5/5/9------------Bonus Feat
16---------------8-----------5/5/10------Elemental Resist 20
18---------------9-----------6/6/11-------Elemental Savant
19---------------9-----------6/6/11------Elemental Transition
20---------------10----------6/6/12-------Elemental Mastery
Elemental Resist- You gain a resistance to your gifted element.
Elemental Prowess- You gain an attack with your element. This attack is 3/4 your level as a Monk with this attack. The
attack increases your damage to 1d6 points of elemental damage. You can use the 1 of the following feats as if you had them-
-Expertise (Use normal Base attack. Not New Base attack. It is every -1 you take, +1 you gain)
-Power Attack (Use normal Base attack. Not New Base attack. It is every -1 you take, +1 you gain)
-Point Blank Shot
This ability is a standard action. This is a supernatural ability. You can use this ability 2/day or for 1 point
from your pool (See below). When you obtain the pool, you no longer have the twice per day use.
ALL attacks are ranged and at 50 ft. All have 20/x2 criticals.
Electricity- Piercing
Ice- piercing or slashing
Acid- bludgeoning
Fire- bludgeoning
Energy pool-
You gain an energy pool commonly known as Mana. It is equal to your level + Intelligence modifier x3.
So, if you were 10th level and had a +2 intelligence modifier, then you would have 12x2=36 points.
Augment Damage- When using your prowess attack, you can use 1 point to increase the damage with the
attack by an extra d6. So, if you were to use 3 points on 1 attack, you gain the benefits of one of those feats,
dealing 4d6 damage.
Bonus feats-
Any metamagic feat
All metamagic feats have a cost of there level adjustment. SO, for maximize, you can use the elemental attack for max damage
at a cost of 3 more points.
Elemental Prowess 2-
You gain the benefits of Full base attack and the ability to spend 2 points to strike an extra target. you can target
many targets, each costing 2 points extra.
You also gain the feats-
-Precise Shot
-Improved sunder
-Improved Disarm
Shape Element-
Any time you use your attack, you can forfeit the attack for one of the following benifits. (This negates the use of points and
uses the abilities own points)
2 points- You gain a melee weapon of choice. The weapon can be the following-
Any simple weapon
2 points per level of armor (I.E light: 2, Medium: 4, Heavy: 6)
The armor check penalty is reduced by 2 to a minimum of 0 and anyone using an unarmed strike or trying to grapple automatically
takes 1d4 points of damage per round.
2 points for a heavy shield-
+2 armor check penalty. Shield bash (if any) can do 1d6 extra damage.
Augment size-
For an additional 4 points from your pool, you can make the attack a radius attack instead of a direct. This gives you a
20 ft radius and they make reflex saves instead of you attacking them. The DC = (10 + Intelligence + every 2 points spent)
Control element-
Your control of your element is so precise that you can shape it much more than before.
You can turn it into 1 ten ft cube for every 2 points you spend.
You can turn it into a cone with a 20 ft cone. This costs 3 points and can be augmented for 3 more points for 20 more ft to
a max of 60 ft.
You can spend 3 points and an extra round to double the effect. This means, if you were to spend 4 points to make it 5d6, and
take an extra round, it'd be 10d6 with only 7 points instead of 9.
You can also spend 11 of your points to make up to mile radius of your element. This does 1d6/2 points spent after the 11
damage to everything in it's way. No save to objects. reflex for creatures. (You can spend 13 points for 2d6 damage or
21 for 6d6). This also has a whirlwind (air), burn (fire), Knockback 30 ft (Earth), or drown/Slow (as spell) (Water/ice)
for anybody who fails there save for more than half the DC. (DC= 10 + Intelligence + every 2 points spent.)
Storm spent 21 of her points and creates a storm against Toad. Toad fails his reflex save and is blown away from the force
into the sea dealing 6d6 damage.
Pyro attacks the cops out of defense. He strikes the 2 cars with the extra target ability and burns them with
this ability for 5d6 damage with a total of 21 points.
Augment Length-
You can spend 2 points to increase the range.
You can spend 4 points to make it last another round.
You can spend 7 points to make it last another round for a radius. They would make another reflex save or take half (none w/evasion).
You can spend 9 points to use it as a free action, but you can do this only once per round.
Elemental Savant-
You are exceptionally adept at using your element. You gain immunity to your element and can use 1 less point for each ability
you possess. You have a vulnerability to your opposing element though.
Elemental Transition-
You become more and morel ike an element. You gain immunity to paralysis, stunning, and mind affecting effects such as
A confusion from a telepath. You also are no longer subject to sneak attacks and critical hits. Your body takes on a
permanent elemental figure.
Elemental Mastery-
All your abilities can be used with 3 less points used.
All yoour abilities DC'sare increased by 2
You can bypass 10 points of resistance to your element to someone else. (Pyro battling another fire elemental adept can bypass the resistance
Elemental Adept- Master of Fire, Ice, Acid, Sonic, or Electricity.
Mineral Savant- Master of one Solid, Liquid, or Gas mineral.
Psychoportionast- Master of telekenisis.
Shapechanger- Master of the Many forms.
Speed Demon- Master of speed and agility.
Swashbuckler- Master of dueling and tactical combat.
Telepath- Master of the Mind and domination.
The Indestructable- Master of skin manipultion and strengthening.
Power thief- Steal other mutants/gifted's powers, possibly permanent.
Elemental Adept-
Hit Die- D4
Skills- 2+int modifier(x4 at 1st level)
Skill selection-
Craft (any, all taken individually)
Level-------Base Attack------Saves----------Class Ability
1----------------0-----------0/0/2-------Elemental Resist 5
2----------------1-----------0/0/3-------Elemental Prowess 1
3----------------1-----------1/1/3-----------Energy Pool
4----------------2-----------1/1/4----------Augment Damage
5----------------2-----------1/1/4------------Bonus feat
6----------------3-----------2/2/5-------Elemental Resist 10
7----------------3-----------2/2/5-------Elemental Prowess 2
8----------------4-----------2/2/6----------Shape Element
9----------------4-----------3/3/6----------Augment Size
10---------------5-----------3/3/7------------Bonus Feat
11---------------5-----------3/3/7-------Elemental Resist 15
12---------------6-----------4/4/8-------Elemental Prowess 3
13---------------6-----------4/4/8----------Control Element
14---------------7-----------4/4/9----------Augment Length
15---------------7-----------5/5/9------------Bonus Feat
16---------------8-----------5/5/10------Elemental Resist 20
18---------------9-----------6/6/11-------Elemental Savant
19---------------9-----------6/6/11------Elemental Transition
20---------------10----------6/6/12-------Elemental Mastery
Elemental Resist- You gain a resistance to your gifted element.
Elemental Prowess- You gain an attack with your element. This attack is 3/4 your level as a Monk with this attack. The
attack increases your damage to 1d6 points of elemental damage. You can use the 1 of the following feats as if you had them-
-Expertise (Use normal Base attack. Not New Base attack. It is every -1 you take, +1 you gain)
-Power Attack (Use normal Base attack. Not New Base attack. It is every -1 you take, +1 you gain)
-Point Blank Shot
This ability is a standard action. This is a supernatural ability. You can use this ability 2/day or for 1 point
from your pool (See below). When you obtain the pool, you no longer have the twice per day use.
ALL attacks are ranged and at 50 ft. All have 20/x2 criticals.
Electricity- Piercing
Ice- piercing or slashing
Acid- bludgeoning
Fire- bludgeoning
Energy pool-
You gain an energy pool commonly known as Mana. It is equal to your level + Intelligence modifier x3.
So, if you were 10th level and had a +2 intelligence modifier, then you would have 12x2=36 points.
Augment Damage- When using your prowess attack, you can use 1 point to increase the damage with the
attack by an extra d6. So, if you were to use 3 points on 1 attack, you gain the benefits of one of those feats,
dealing 4d6 damage.
Bonus feats-
Any metamagic feat
All metamagic feats have a cost of there level adjustment. SO, for maximize, you can use the elemental attack for max damage
at a cost of 3 more points.
Elemental Prowess 2-
You gain the benefits of Full base attack and the ability to spend 2 points to strike an extra target. you can target
many targets, each costing 2 points extra.
You also gain the feats-
-Precise Shot
-Improved sunder
-Improved Disarm
Shape Element-
Any time you use your attack, you can forfeit the attack for one of the following benifits. (This negates the use of points and
uses the abilities own points)
2 points- You gain a melee weapon of choice. The weapon can be the following-
Any simple weapon
2 points per level of armor (I.E light: 2, Medium: 4, Heavy: 6)
The armor check penalty is reduced by 2 to a minimum of 0 and anyone using an unarmed strike or trying to grapple automatically
takes 1d4 points of damage per round.
2 points for a heavy shield-
+2 armor check penalty. Shield bash (if any) can do 1d6 extra damage.
Augment size-
For an additional 4 points from your pool, you can make the attack a radius attack instead of a direct. This gives you a
20 ft radius and they make reflex saves instead of you attacking them. The DC = (10 + Intelligence + every 2 points spent)
Control element-
Your control of your element is so precise that you can shape it much more than before.
You can turn it into 1 ten ft cube for every 2 points you spend.
You can turn it into a cone with a 20 ft cone. This costs 3 points and can be augmented for 3 more points for 20 more ft to
a max of 60 ft.
You can spend 3 points and an extra round to double the effect. This means, if you were to spend 4 points to make it 5d6, and
take an extra round, it'd be 10d6 with only 7 points instead of 9.
You can also spend 11 of your points to make up to mile radius of your element. This does 1d6/2 points spent after the 11
damage to everything in it's way. No save to objects. reflex for creatures. (You can spend 13 points for 2d6 damage or
21 for 6d6). This also has a whirlwind (air), burn (fire), Knockback 30 ft (Earth), or drown/Slow (as spell) (Water/ice)
for anybody who fails there save for more than half the DC. (DC= 10 + Intelligence + every 2 points spent.)
Storm spent 21 of her points and creates a storm against Toad. Toad fails his reflex save and is blown away from the force
into the sea dealing 6d6 damage.
Pyro attacks the cops out of defense. He strikes the 2 cars with the extra target ability and burns them with
this ability for 5d6 damage with a total of 21 points.
Augment Length-
You can spend 2 points to increase the range.
You can spend 4 points to make it last another round.
You can spend 7 points to make it last another round for a radius. They would make another reflex save or take half (none w/evasion).
You can spend 9 points to use it as a free action, but you can do this only once per round.
Elemental Savant-
You are exceptionally adept at using your element. You gain immunity to your element and can use 1 less point for each ability
you possess. You have a vulnerability to your opposing element though.
Elemental Transition-
You become more and morel ike an element. You gain immunity to paralysis, stunning, and mind affecting effects such as
A confusion from a telepath. You also are no longer subject to sneak attacks and critical hits. Your body takes on a
permanent elemental figure.
Elemental Mastery-
All your abilities can be used with 3 less points used.
All yoour abilities DC'sare increased by 2
You can bypass 10 points of resistance to your element to someone else. (Pyro battling another fire elemental adept can bypass the resistance
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Rob-hin
- Posts: 4832
- Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2001 11:00 am
- Location: In the Batcave with catwoman. *prrrr*
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[QUOTE=Siberys]There are 3 types of creatures in the world, the Humans, the Gifted, and the Mutated. The humans, as they are
not gifted with abilities are restricted to certain professions. The gifted are more on the mental side of the
Mutants, giving them access to professions that manipulate matter or the human mind. The mutated are more physical
and are rather brutal. If they specialize in an energy or matter, it is to a lesser extent to say a Gifted Elementalist.
Magneto and Gambit are both Mutated creatures. Storm and Pyro are Gifted. Rogue is a Human.
This, I don't understand.
Why is Storm who has control over the elements a Gifted? As you state that Gifted manipulate the human mind.
The difference isn't clear to me between the Gifted and Mutants.
not gifted with abilities are restricted to certain professions. The gifted are more on the mental side of the
Mutants, giving them access to professions that manipulate matter or the human mind. The mutated are more physical
and are rather brutal. If they specialize in an energy or matter, it is to a lesser extent to say a Gifted Elementalist.
Magneto and Gambit are both Mutated creatures. Storm and Pyro are Gifted. Rogue is a Human.
This, I don't understand.
Why is Storm who has control over the elements a Gifted? As you state that Gifted manipulate the human mind.
The difference isn't clear to me between the Gifted and Mutants.
Guinness is good for you.
Gives you strength.
Gives you strength.
- Rob-hin
- Posts: 4832
- Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2001 11:00 am
- Location: In the Batcave with catwoman. *prrrr*
- Contact:
Ah ok, sorry about that but I had trouble understanding it.
So to make another example; Wolverene would be the ultimate Mutated?
IMO Magneto is very good example of a Gifted, he does manipulate matter by mind doesn't he? But you have him in the Mutant list, how come?
Hey, this just came to me.
Is't there a reference for yout to look at, IIRC there were miniatures of superheroes in my d&d shop. They had rotating disks in the miniature standard. Don't know the name though or how it's played... wasn't it simply City of Heroes, like the game? Does anybody know this?
So to make another example; Wolverene would be the ultimate Mutated?
IMO Magneto is very good example of a Gifted, he does manipulate matter by mind doesn't he? But you have him in the Mutant list, how come?
Hey, this just came to me.
Is't there a reference for yout to look at, IIRC there were miniatures of superheroes in my d&d shop. They had rotating disks in the miniature standard. Don't know the name though or how it's played... wasn't it simply City of Heroes, like the game? Does anybody know this?
Guinness is good for you.
Gives you strength.
Gives you strength.
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
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- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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As I said, this is a test version. I am still working out the kinks and thanks for the point. I tried to make it seem equal in the number of famous mutants in the "Mutant" part and not have too many in the "Gifted" part.
I will edit that and re-work it. Keep posting any suggestions you have, cause I would like this to look pretty decent.
I will edit that and re-work it. Keep posting any suggestions you have, cause I would like this to look pretty decent.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Not sure what you mean by that. Rogue was a human with no mutation or gifted power, so I put her under human as it fits best with her. Plus, being able to sap a gifted/mutants racial ability score would have it make a little more sense for her to be under human. I think I will also modify the human around a bit. Prolly a level adjustment of +1 if a powerthief. either that or no bonus feat and skills, but the powerthief instead.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
[QUOTE=Siberys]Not sure what you mean by that. Rogue was a human with no mutation or gifted power, so I put her under human as it fits best with her. Plus, being able to sap a gifted/mutants racial ability score would have it make a little more sense for her to be under human. I think I will also modify the human around a bit. Prolly a level adjustment of +1 if a powerthief. either that or no bonus feat and skills, but the powerthief instead.[/QUOTE]
What? You new here? Rogue's a mutant. Her mutant ability is the ability to drain the mutant characteristics, thoughts, meories, and minor physical abnormalities of those she comes in physical contact with.
What? You new here? Rogue's a mutant. Her mutant ability is the ability to drain the mutant characteristics, thoughts, meories, and minor physical abnormalities of those she comes in physical contact with.
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Ok, I see what you mean by she is a mutant. Thanks for clearing that up. I will make her a "mutant" as she fits a little better there than a "Gifted."
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Sorry it took so long. This one was a prick to make.
Mineral Savant-
D8 Hit die
2 + intelligence Modifier (x4 At 1st level)
Skill selection-
Level---Base attack-----saves-------------Class--------
1-----------0-----------2/0/0----------Mineral Sect----
2-----------1-----------3/0/0------Sense Mineral (30ft)
4-----------3-----------4/1/1--------Catch Mineral-----
6-----------4-----------5/2/2-------Control Mineral----
7-----------5-----------5/2/2-------Counter Control----
8-----------6-----------6/2/2-----Sense Mineral (300FT)
9-----------6-----------6/3/3--------Shape Mineral-----
11----------8-----------7/3/3--------Graft Mineral-----
13----------9-----------8/4/4----Sense Mineral (1 mile)
15----------11----------9/5/5-------Extract Mineral----
16----------12---------10/5/5-------Sharpen Mineral----
18----------13---------11/6/6-------Animate Mineral----
20----------15---------12/6/6----Sense Mineral(10 miles),
------------------------------------Mineral Affinity----
Mineral Sect-
You can choose from either Gas, Liquid, or solid as your mineral sect. Unlike Magneto, who was born with the
ability to control metal, you can control anything solid, liquid, or gas.
(It is the DM's Discretion on specific solids, liquids, or gasses such as Plastic being a solid or liquid or Dry ice
being liquid or solid.)
Sense Mineral- You can sense where a specific mineral is within range.
Sense Mineral- At 30ft, you can sense the general direction of a mineral. At 300 ft, you can sense the exact location
to a maximum of 10 ft underground, but still 300ft above. At 1 mile, you can sense the mineral within 1000ft underground
and still the 5280ft above ground AND can control the mineral from a distance of 100 ft. At 10 miles, 10,000 ft underground,
the same 52,800 ft above ground, and can control it within 2,000ft.
All others that don't say specific control ranges are 30 ft. You can, control, shape, sharpen, and animate minerals
within 30ft. (See abilities below. Graft mineral is touch and not ranged)
Catch Mineral- You gain a +4 strength check to catch an inanimate mineral. If it is a sentinal, it is void. But if it's
a rock thrown by a juggernaut, then you gain this bonus. If it is a gas spurted from a trap, you can make a small barrier
to avoid the trap. If it is a liquid, then you can create the same barrier to avoid this.
Control Mineral- You can grab a chunk or dose of your mineral (5 pounds per level Liquid or solid, a radius of 5ft per level of gas)
and can control it how you wish except shape it. You can make it move at a speed of 20ft a round, you can throw it at someone for
1d6 +1/3 levels of damage. You can hold it in a position to try and drown somebody.
Shape Mineral-
You can make any shape of a mineral you wish. It depends on how much you can hold (See above) for the effects.
-Make any weapon: simple, martial, exotic.
-Make any armor: Light, medium, or heavy.
-Make any tool such as a key, a pole, or a ladder.
(Note: if Liquid or Gas, you can still make the weapon, but Liquid deals non-lethal
damage and gas deals -2 damage and nonlethal)
If Gas-
Thicken the gas for a DC increase by 2 (poison for instance.)
Loosen to make the gas have double the radius, but at a cost of -2 DC.
If Solid-
Make wall (As wall of stone for 9th-12th level. As Wall of iron for beyond)
Make transport (Circular disc. Your weight counts in with how much mineral you can hold. goes at a speed of 50ft per
round at perfect maneuverability)
If Liquid-
Modify atoms to make semi acid rain (1d4/level damage. DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your wisdom. Radius=5ft/2 levels)
Turn Dirt into Mud (As the spell "Grease" with DC 10 + 1/2 level + intelligence.)
Graft Mineral- You gain the following effects-
If Gas-
Immunity to all poisons, paralysis, stunning, and daze effects as you have been around the mineral enough.
If Solid-
Fortification 50% (Ignore criticals and sneak attacks at 50% chance). +2 natural armor.
If Liquid-
Immunity to Non-lethal damage. Damage reduction 5/slashing and piercing. Bludgeoning affects you less.
If gas-
Can inhale and gain focus. +4 wisdom for 1d10 rounds. You can do this 2/day.
If Solid-
Muddy Wholeness of Body. You can apply mud or dirt to your skin for 10 points of damage healed/2 levels. You can do
this to a maximum of what you can heal. Example, if you were 10th level (50 points healed), you could heal 27 points
at one point and heal the other 23 points later when needed.
If Liquid-
Fuse into lungs. This let's you gain +4 constitution as your lungs are purified with the water. It lasts for 1d10 rounds.
you can do this 2/day.
Extract Mineral-
You can take a mineral from a person and use it however you see fit.
1. You can extract 3 ounces of water per round from a living creature. (Liquid)
2. You can extract 2 ounces of iron or any solid per round from a living or non-living creature. (Solid)
3. You can extract all oxygen from a creature once per round. (Gas)
1. paralyses a target for 1d4 minutes. Deals 3d4 nonlethal damage.
2. Stuns target (or disables if non-living [sentinal]) for 2d6 minutes.
3. deals 1d8 lethal and 2d8 nonlethal damage to target.
Sharpen Mineral-
You can make a mineral sharper and more potent than it originally is.
Gas: Thicken. Halve the time it takes to start suffocating.
Liquid: Thicken. Halve the time it takes to start suffocating.
Solid: Sharpen or thicken. Use a created weapon or countered weapon with the Keen and Weapon Specialization as if you had it
when you use it.
Animate Mineral-
You can animate a mineral as if it were an construct. It costs XP equal to the hitdie of the creature you use.
-If you have books with optional golems and such, use them as you see fit.
-If you only have access to the three core books, treat this as a Stone Golem with the following changes.
Damage reduction 10/adamantine/Resist Ice 30, Vulnerability to electricity (X1.5 damage)
Speed 20ft/speed 10ft above water, 30 ft in water.
Special- you can take off 1 natural armor for 10 extra hitpoints or vice versa.
Improved Toughness (+1 hitpoint per hitdie)
Natural armor +2
Speed 10ft instead of 20ft.
Damage Reduction 10/bludgeoning instead of adamantine.
You can treat it in all ways like a stone golem instead of the modified golem above.
Strength: -6
Attackers must make percentiles to see if it hit the golem. 50% chance miss.
Mineral affinity-
You gain the following for your chosen mineral-
Can breath above and below water normally.
Damage Reduction 5/-
Improved toughness (+1 hitpoint her hitdie)
Special- you can sacrAfice XP for the following
100XP for +1 hitpoint permanently up to a total of (NOT including the Improved toughness) +30 hitpoints for 3000XP.
2000Xp for +1 damage reduction/- to a maximum of 10/-
Gain an effect similar to "Displacement" permanently. This gives your attackers a 50% miss chance for
any attack including the ones of the Elemental Adept.
Special XP sacrafice.
1000XP for 5% up to a total of 75% attacker miss chance.
Damage Reduction 20/Adamantine.
Natural armor +6 (Replacing the +2 from graft)
Special XP Sacrafice.
500XP for +1 natural armor
1500XP for each +2 Damage reduction/adamantine.
(I hope this isn't too insane.)
Mineral Savant-
D8 Hit die
2 + intelligence Modifier (x4 At 1st level)
Skill selection-
Level---Base attack-----saves-------------Class--------
1-----------0-----------2/0/0----------Mineral Sect----
2-----------1-----------3/0/0------Sense Mineral (30ft)
4-----------3-----------4/1/1--------Catch Mineral-----
6-----------4-----------5/2/2-------Control Mineral----
7-----------5-----------5/2/2-------Counter Control----
8-----------6-----------6/2/2-----Sense Mineral (300FT)
9-----------6-----------6/3/3--------Shape Mineral-----
11----------8-----------7/3/3--------Graft Mineral-----
13----------9-----------8/4/4----Sense Mineral (1 mile)
15----------11----------9/5/5-------Extract Mineral----
16----------12---------10/5/5-------Sharpen Mineral----
18----------13---------11/6/6-------Animate Mineral----
20----------15---------12/6/6----Sense Mineral(10 miles),
------------------------------------Mineral Affinity----
Mineral Sect-
You can choose from either Gas, Liquid, or solid as your mineral sect. Unlike Magneto, who was born with the
ability to control metal, you can control anything solid, liquid, or gas.
(It is the DM's Discretion on specific solids, liquids, or gasses such as Plastic being a solid or liquid or Dry ice
being liquid or solid.)
Sense Mineral- You can sense where a specific mineral is within range.
Sense Mineral- At 30ft, you can sense the general direction of a mineral. At 300 ft, you can sense the exact location
to a maximum of 10 ft underground, but still 300ft above. At 1 mile, you can sense the mineral within 1000ft underground
and still the 5280ft above ground AND can control the mineral from a distance of 100 ft. At 10 miles, 10,000 ft underground,
the same 52,800 ft above ground, and can control it within 2,000ft.
All others that don't say specific control ranges are 30 ft. You can, control, shape, sharpen, and animate minerals
within 30ft. (See abilities below. Graft mineral is touch and not ranged)
Catch Mineral- You gain a +4 strength check to catch an inanimate mineral. If it is a sentinal, it is void. But if it's
a rock thrown by a juggernaut, then you gain this bonus. If it is a gas spurted from a trap, you can make a small barrier
to avoid the trap. If it is a liquid, then you can create the same barrier to avoid this.
Control Mineral- You can grab a chunk or dose of your mineral (5 pounds per level Liquid or solid, a radius of 5ft per level of gas)
and can control it how you wish except shape it. You can make it move at a speed of 20ft a round, you can throw it at someone for
1d6 +1/3 levels of damage. You can hold it in a position to try and drown somebody.
Shape Mineral-
You can make any shape of a mineral you wish. It depends on how much you can hold (See above) for the effects.
-Make any weapon: simple, martial, exotic.
-Make any armor: Light, medium, or heavy.
-Make any tool such as a key, a pole, or a ladder.
(Note: if Liquid or Gas, you can still make the weapon, but Liquid deals non-lethal
damage and gas deals -2 damage and nonlethal)
If Gas-
Thicken the gas for a DC increase by 2 (poison for instance.)
Loosen to make the gas have double the radius, but at a cost of -2 DC.
If Solid-
Make wall (As wall of stone for 9th-12th level. As Wall of iron for beyond)
Make transport (Circular disc. Your weight counts in with how much mineral you can hold. goes at a speed of 50ft per
round at perfect maneuverability)
If Liquid-
Modify atoms to make semi acid rain (1d4/level damage. DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your wisdom. Radius=5ft/2 levels)
Turn Dirt into Mud (As the spell "Grease" with DC 10 + 1/2 level + intelligence.)
Graft Mineral- You gain the following effects-
If Gas-
Immunity to all poisons, paralysis, stunning, and daze effects as you have been around the mineral enough.
If Solid-
Fortification 50% (Ignore criticals and sneak attacks at 50% chance). +2 natural armor.
If Liquid-
Immunity to Non-lethal damage. Damage reduction 5/slashing and piercing. Bludgeoning affects you less.
If gas-
Can inhale and gain focus. +4 wisdom for 1d10 rounds. You can do this 2/day.
If Solid-
Muddy Wholeness of Body. You can apply mud or dirt to your skin for 10 points of damage healed/2 levels. You can do
this to a maximum of what you can heal. Example, if you were 10th level (50 points healed), you could heal 27 points
at one point and heal the other 23 points later when needed.
If Liquid-
Fuse into lungs. This let's you gain +4 constitution as your lungs are purified with the water. It lasts for 1d10 rounds.
you can do this 2/day.
Extract Mineral-
You can take a mineral from a person and use it however you see fit.
1. You can extract 3 ounces of water per round from a living creature. (Liquid)
2. You can extract 2 ounces of iron or any solid per round from a living or non-living creature. (Solid)
3. You can extract all oxygen from a creature once per round. (Gas)
1. paralyses a target for 1d4 minutes. Deals 3d4 nonlethal damage.
2. Stuns target (or disables if non-living [sentinal]) for 2d6 minutes.
3. deals 1d8 lethal and 2d8 nonlethal damage to target.
Sharpen Mineral-
You can make a mineral sharper and more potent than it originally is.
Gas: Thicken. Halve the time it takes to start suffocating.
Liquid: Thicken. Halve the time it takes to start suffocating.
Solid: Sharpen or thicken. Use a created weapon or countered weapon with the Keen and Weapon Specialization as if you had it
when you use it.
Animate Mineral-
You can animate a mineral as if it were an construct. It costs XP equal to the hitdie of the creature you use.
-If you have books with optional golems and such, use them as you see fit.
-If you only have access to the three core books, treat this as a Stone Golem with the following changes.
Damage reduction 10/adamantine/Resist Ice 30, Vulnerability to electricity (X1.5 damage)
Speed 20ft/speed 10ft above water, 30 ft in water.
Special- you can take off 1 natural armor for 10 extra hitpoints or vice versa.
Improved Toughness (+1 hitpoint per hitdie)
Natural armor +2
Speed 10ft instead of 20ft.
Damage Reduction 10/bludgeoning instead of adamantine.
You can treat it in all ways like a stone golem instead of the modified golem above.
Strength: -6
Attackers must make percentiles to see if it hit the golem. 50% chance miss.
Mineral affinity-
You gain the following for your chosen mineral-
Can breath above and below water normally.
Damage Reduction 5/-
Improved toughness (+1 hitpoint her hitdie)
Special- you can sacrAfice XP for the following
100XP for +1 hitpoint permanently up to a total of (NOT including the Improved toughness) +30 hitpoints for 3000XP.
2000Xp for +1 damage reduction/- to a maximum of 10/-
Gain an effect similar to "Displacement" permanently. This gives your attackers a 50% miss chance for
any attack including the ones of the Elemental Adept.
Special XP sacrafice.
1000XP for 5% up to a total of 75% attacker miss chance.
Damage Reduction 20/Adamantine.
Natural armor +6 (Replacing the +2 from graft)
Special XP Sacrafice.
500XP for +1 natural armor
1500XP for each +2 Damage reduction/adamantine.
(I hope this isn't too insane.)
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
- Contact:
On a side note, I do realize that I left out proficiencies for weapons. I will make the weapons first and then put in the profiencies in the finalized version.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
- Contact:
Shape Changer-
Hitdie- D8
Knowledge Organisms
Knowledge Local
Sense Motive
4+intelligence modifier (x4 at first level)
1---------0-----0/2/2--------Minor Shape Change--------------
2---------1-----0/3/3---------Look Alike (+2)----------------
4---------3-----1/4/4-------Novice Shape Change--------------
5---------3-----1/4/4---------Look Alike (+4)----------------
7---------5-----2/5/5---------Imitate Senses-----------------
8---------6-----2/6/6---------Look Alike (+6)----------------
10--------7-----3/7/7------Imitate Mutation/gift-------------
12--------9-----4/8/8-------Average Shapechange--------------
13--------9-----4/8/8---------Polymorph (1/day)--------------
15--------11----5/9/9---------Major Shapechange--------------
16--------12---5/10/10-Imitate Special Qualities and attacks-
17--------12---5/10/10--------Polymorph 3/day----------------
20--------15---6/12/12--------True Shapechange---------------
Minor- can change shape as Disguise spell at will for 1 min/level.
Novice- Can change shape as alter self spell at will for 1 min/level.
Average- Can shapechange up to 2 sizes smaller for 1 min/level.
Major Shapechange- Can change shape up to 1 size larger for 1 min/level.
True- can change shape without duration. You have no true form. You
gain a +2 to Charisma and Wisdom.
Look Alike-
Gives you a bonus to disguise checks permanently.
Imitate senses-
You can make a Knowledge Organisms during a shapechange check to gain a single sense. This can include:
Blindsight 30ft- DC 35
Darkvision 30ft- DC 15
Low-light vision x2- DC 15
(Just examples. You can adjust them and add some how you please)
You can drop a sense and gain the benefits-
Taste- not subject to injested poisons and disease.
Feel- Die hard feat.
Smell- +4 saves against anything you breath such as inhaled gases from a mineral savant or a fire smog.
Sight- not subject to gazes such as from a telepaths gaze of any kind. (Still has the miss chance 50%)
Hearing- Not subject to any sonic attacks from a wind savant or a speed demon's Screeching run.
You don't have to drop sense if you wish not to.
Imitate Mutation/Gift-
You gain the ability to imitate 1 gift or mutation with a DC 10 check, or 2 mutations/gifts for a DC 25 check. You
cannot imitate more than two though. If you spend 1000 XP and do this 1/day for 20 days, you gain 1 quality (regardless
of the ability to do 2) permanently and access to the class.
Imitate Special Qualities and Attacks-
Same as Imitate mutation or gift, but...
Resistance to energy (10 + the desired resistance)
Class ability- DC 20 +Class level of ability. (I.E. control mineral = 26 (level 6 ability))
Rend or Pummel 2d6 + 1.5 times strength. (If monk or claw attack)- DC 30
Fortification- 25%- DC 15, 50%- DC 25, 100%- DC-40.
(There is no spell resistance as there are no spells in the game. Again, just examples, you can add more and adjust them how you
please. I will make a final version with them all. The Beta version is just that, beta, a test version.)
Hitdie- D8
Knowledge Organisms
Knowledge Local
Sense Motive
4+intelligence modifier (x4 at first level)
1---------0-----0/2/2--------Minor Shape Change--------------
2---------1-----0/3/3---------Look Alike (+2)----------------
4---------3-----1/4/4-------Novice Shape Change--------------
5---------3-----1/4/4---------Look Alike (+4)----------------
7---------5-----2/5/5---------Imitate Senses-----------------
8---------6-----2/6/6---------Look Alike (+6)----------------
10--------7-----3/7/7------Imitate Mutation/gift-------------
12--------9-----4/8/8-------Average Shapechange--------------
13--------9-----4/8/8---------Polymorph (1/day)--------------
15--------11----5/9/9---------Major Shapechange--------------
16--------12---5/10/10-Imitate Special Qualities and attacks-
17--------12---5/10/10--------Polymorph 3/day----------------
20--------15---6/12/12--------True Shapechange---------------
Minor- can change shape as Disguise spell at will for 1 min/level.
Novice- Can change shape as alter self spell at will for 1 min/level.
Average- Can shapechange up to 2 sizes smaller for 1 min/level.
Major Shapechange- Can change shape up to 1 size larger for 1 min/level.
True- can change shape without duration. You have no true form. You
gain a +2 to Charisma and Wisdom.
Look Alike-
Gives you a bonus to disguise checks permanently.
Imitate senses-
You can make a Knowledge Organisms during a shapechange check to gain a single sense. This can include:
Blindsight 30ft- DC 35
Darkvision 30ft- DC 15
Low-light vision x2- DC 15
(Just examples. You can adjust them and add some how you please)
You can drop a sense and gain the benefits-
Taste- not subject to injested poisons and disease.
Feel- Die hard feat.
Smell- +4 saves against anything you breath such as inhaled gases from a mineral savant or a fire smog.
Sight- not subject to gazes such as from a telepaths gaze of any kind. (Still has the miss chance 50%)
Hearing- Not subject to any sonic attacks from a wind savant or a speed demon's Screeching run.
You don't have to drop sense if you wish not to.
Imitate Mutation/Gift-
You gain the ability to imitate 1 gift or mutation with a DC 10 check, or 2 mutations/gifts for a DC 25 check. You
cannot imitate more than two though. If you spend 1000 XP and do this 1/day for 20 days, you gain 1 quality (regardless
of the ability to do 2) permanently and access to the class.
Imitate Special Qualities and Attacks-
Same as Imitate mutation or gift, but...
Resistance to energy (10 + the desired resistance)
Class ability- DC 20 +Class level of ability. (I.E. control mineral = 26 (level 6 ability))
Rend or Pummel 2d6 + 1.5 times strength. (If monk or claw attack)- DC 30
Fortification- 25%- DC 15, 50%- DC 25, 100%- DC-40.
(There is no spell resistance as there are no spells in the game. Again, just examples, you can add more and adjust them how you
please. I will make a final version with them all. The Beta version is just that, beta, a test version.)
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged