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Remember Ultima Online

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Remember Ultima Online

Post by Valper »

I loved this game. Before all of the stupid changes. Im talking the old school ways. I was just thinking aloud and was woundering if anybody else enjoyed this game? Hopefully i wont get shot on site. I loved it cuz you could do whatever you wanted. You could steal. You could murder. You could join a guild to protect those that couldn't protect themselves. no NOOBIEVILLE AREAS like trammel. Almost anything went. Then you had those complainers that ruined the game and now its all item based. No skill is involved with that game anymore. I know this is so like along time ago i was just wondering if anyone agreed with me.
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Post by Xandax »

Moved to the MMORPG discussion forum.
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Post by Denethorn »

Yes I loved Ultima Online. Been some years since I quit now, still some happy memories.

Trammel was a ridiculous addition, and it eventually got to popular with prices for items and housing being way to much, until it was just a game of getting money.

It was great back in the day, before grief gaming and all that rubbish. I can't understand how the industry went towards MMORPGs like Everquest :( . Ultima Online was the most ground breaking, freedom giving and greatest MMORPG - despite it's many major flaws.

Despite all these new MMORPGs, I would still rather play classic 2D UO.
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Post by Valper »

you still can my friend email me at ok ill give you the details!!!
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