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Roleplaying Alignments/Deities

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Roleplaying Alignments/Deities

Post by Oscuro_Sol »

I play RP on online NWN, and I was wondering if you need the same alignment as your deity. I mean, Ilmater (I think) is Lawful Good, and it kind of focuses on healing someone even if it means personal loss, is what I've heard. But what if you have to do something "evil" in order to heal someone/thing? Ex:, say um.. an evil guy was injured or something, and you healed him/her (just pretend this is an evil thing to do.. ?), would you have to "give up" your deity? TIA, if that makes any sense. :D
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Post by Magrus »

Well, technically, healing an evil person by the game rules isn't an evil act but I think you just wanted an example. Looking at things from my point of view, someone serving a deity has guidelines to follow, just like a contract. You break the guidelines, you've been naughty and need to do some form of penance. Someone of a Lawful Good deity lets say, breaking into a crypt to steal something from there to heal a person might very well be in trouble for that as it doesn't fit the "Lawful" portion of their alignment.

Deciding what the actions done were, and the guidelines of a deity, and how he/she would respond could end up being a lot of different things I would think. It could be you would be rejected by your deity, or need to donate money, or perform a deed or something for them to prove you are "sorry" and worthy of their attention still.
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Post by Ravager »

I think such alignment issues are generally more important for Paladins and maybe Rangers who can both 'fall'.
I suppose if a cleric did something really out of tune with the god's credo, then maybe the cleric would be refused spells from that deity.
Deciding what the actions done were, and the guidelines of a deity, and how he/she would respond could end up being a lot of different things I would think. It could be you would be rejected by your deity, or need to donate money, or perform a deed or something for them to prove you are "sorry" and worthy of their attention still.

That would probably depend on the deity and the deed in question. Good deities may be more forgiving than evil ones.
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Post by Robert the Bard »

A lot is going to depend on the module. Most of them probably don't have scripts in place for something like that. If I'm an LG Cleric, I'm thinking that I'd need a really good reason to heal an evil char, assuming that my cleric would have a way to know that said char is evil.
Want to role play it, could your char survive whatever part of the dungeon, area, you're in w/out the other char? Also, if the char is a party member, then the act of healing that person, from a roleplay standpoint, may not be considered an evil act, after all, you should be trying to convert said char to your way of thinking.
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Post by bunnies »

A good character should heal anyone who asks for help, and a lawful character should aid the party, for the parties sake. Anything else is up to you, although I haven't seen a drop in alignment points if you act contrary to this.
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