*coughs* You all know my views on sharing, sex, and such. It gets me in trouble. People around me can't handle it. Apparently, even if you just hired a hooker and caught the clap on a weekend binge, you can't be seen kissing your wife out in public because that's "naughty".
Hypocrasy abounds. I'm brutally honest about what goes on with me and people think I make stuff up. Why? They just don't hear about that kind of things except in dirty movies or magazines. I once had a police officer threaten to charge me with harrassment for telling a story to a friend of mine. Mind you, I wasn't in a daycare center or anything. I was walking down the road, at night, just a friend and I when we were pulled over to be asked where we were going and he threatened it because he was offended.
I have friends who do drugs, sell drugs, whatever. I myself, and my friends who have had horrible things done to us, and I've joined them in doing horrible things to get even. Violence, sex and drugs are being promoted to the youth by the media. That isn't the major player in the cause behind it. It's the boy's father, or mother, or older sister, or neighbor. If your older problem is smoking a joint in the backyard, chances are your going to want to try it too. If your dad is drinking all the time, chances are your going to steal a bottle of his at least once and try it.
Most people I know who have a drinking/drug problem started because of a desire to be like a family member, or simple curiousity and a "this is cool" attitude led them to keep doing so until they were addicted.
Most people I know how have a problem with violence have issues of some sort, live in a rough neighborhood where being too much of a hassle to beat up keeps them from ending up in the hospital every month, or they think it's "cool" to be violent. I admit, I view certain situations as worthy of someone catching a beating for it, but I know people who wander around looking for someone just to beat up as a cure for boredom.
No, I don't think movies and video games are causing these problems to be worse. For myself, hacking at someone in a video game has been the perfect way for me to avoid going after someone who'd just slugged me on the way home. Knowing that I could vent my anger in a game instead of on the street has probably kept me out of jail more times than I can remember. This is all just political crap, struggling to make people think our would-be leaders are somehow "pure" and "wonderful".
[QUOTE=Denethorn]Lord knows what this extreme opposition to any form of sexual content does to America's youth [/QUOTE]
Have you seen any footage of American teens in the last 30-40 years? Or statistics of teen pregnancy? Have you seen the clothes the girls are wearing?
I happen to deal with young females who are just straight up closet freaks. Can't express what they want until their boyfriends push them to it, then they go all out and then they get embarrassed and make their guys swear not to tell anyone. Idiocy if you ask me. If you enjoy something, enjoy it, don't be embarrassed by it. They can prance around in skin-tight clothes, or half naked, but they can't be honest about what they do.