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Potion smoking

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Potion smoking

Post by sqmaster666 »

hers how to almost infinantly increase stats without cheating
1:make about a billion intel potions drinking one as soon as its made
2 :o nce intel is extremly high and lasts along time make other potions to boast those stats
3:drink those
4:repeat all steps

so what do you think???
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Post by Rookierookie »

Known trick. Too cheap IMO, since by that time the game would be easy for even a mage character.
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Post by blake »

Great Tip. Only thing is that you are a couple of years late, that is pretty well known.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Well, maybe some technological dinosaur who has morrowind but for some reason no internet or friends didn't know that. Don't worry sqmaster, you've probably helped someone
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Post by ch85us2001 »

you've helped me. Feel worthy and well
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Post by fable »

As others have said, this is a really old, old piece of cheese that has been posted here repeatedly, since the game first appeared. Please use the search function before giving out such "hints." Thread closed.
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