to a video of somone completing Fallout 2 in about 19 minutes real time.
At no point though does he fix the Navigation computer on the Tanker. Anybody who's seen the video, (or knows how the Fallout Universe works) can you say why the Tanker sets off?
I've watched it,
there must be a bug I think. In the first version there are some bugs like that I remember lika Richard Wright quest. I did not have to find what happened, Mr. Wright gave Sierra quest immediately, that thing looks just similar...
...if your IN is 3 or less, the Brotherhood of Steel guy in SF will get the Valdez ready for you when you deliver the vertibird plans. No need for you to mess with FOB, navchip, or fuel.
That speedgamer had 8 int. But he was still able to move with the tanker... If he had used psycho's b4 he talked to Matt that could be possible but he did not even talk to Matt.