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Hedrack battle - bug

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Hedrack battle - bug

Post by bariumdose »

When I battle Hedrack and his minions, the game proceeds for a pace and then crashes. Also, even if I win the battle, I can't save the game. I can't even save the game during battle. Has anyone encountered this bug?

I have patched the game according to the recommendations of this forum. The game has worked properly until the Hedrack battle.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Is there any indication at all what's causing the crash? Does it always crash on Heddy's turn, e.g.? It may be god-summon related. If so, you could try making the whole party invisible and just pouncing on Heddy to kill him before he can summon anybody.
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Post by bariumdose »

Thank you for replying, Lord Plothos.

The crash seems to be quite random. Usually. it occurs when there are many combatants and the game's AI seems to have trouble staying organized and responsive to player action or NPC action. I think you might be familiar with this problem: there are multiple combatants, and the game crashes as you try to scroll (extremely slowly) around the battlefield to see the action.

It doesn't always crash on Heddy's turn because I've been able to survive the battle and then attempt to save. It's during the save process that the game screen freezes. I also remember one battle where I had some of my party invisible, the rest in sneak mode, and then sent in my cleric to get up close and personal with Heddy. My cleric then melded into stone, which distracted Heddy and his goons that I was able to kill him before he could someone iuz. And then the game froze when I tried saving.

Sometimes the gods iuz and Cuthbert both appear, have their dialogue, then disappear. The game then crashes if (1) I then save or (2) if I simply scroll around the battlefield long enough.

The crash sometimes involves just the screen freezing up. Other times, the game totally throws me out to the Microsoft message box saying that the program has become unresponsive and must close.

Well, that's about it. I'm pretty sure this is something insoluble. But thanks for listening.
[QUOTE=Lord Plothos]Is there any indication at all what's causing the crash? Does it always crash on Heddy's turn, e.g.? It may be god-summon related. If so, you could try making the whole party invisible and just pouncing on Heddy to kill him before he can summon anybody.[/QUOTE]
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Hrmm. Well, okay, here's something to try. Chuck a couple of fireballs out there and make sure all the enemies are belligerant. Makes the battle tougher, but may keep it from freezing. Just something to try.

Explanation: I've noticed that the crash-heavy areas (outside Senshock's room, over on the fire node and earth nodes) tend to take place when you're just outside the attention of the enemy. I've noticed that it crashes in specific places and that when I force combat by throwing an area-effect spell, the problem is solved. My own working hypothesis is that the computer gets bogged down trying to see if the enemy detects you. Get their attention and everything gets back to normal. This may or may not be what's going on there, but there are many enemies on the periphery of that fight (including the trolls or something way up in the corridor to the north) that don't engage right away, and thus will be trying to detect you, as it were, the whole time.
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Post by bariumdose »

It's interesting you mention getting all the enemies to attack me by attracting their attention with fireballs - that's usually how I start the fight. I guess I'm not the subtle type - lol

I recall in a couple of the battles and re-battles with Heddy that I snuck my party fairly close to him, then had my wizard initiate combat with a fireball spell. After that, depending on who has initiative, I usually cast entangle on him and his cronies and then keep chucking fireballs, ice storm - just about any area-effect offensive spells I have to wear him down through attrition.

Now that I think about it, according to your explanation, it could be that the entangle spell is keeping too many of the enemies at the periphery of the battlefield, which forces me or the computer to constantly have to scroll back and forth as each character takes his turn to fight. The scrolling back and forth, as I said before, seems to lead to the game freezing up. I may retry the battle as you suggested and see if I can lure all of the enemies closer together so I can then blast them with fireballs. Or, I could sneak one of my wizards (Spuggy probably ) to the top area of the map so he can blast the faraway group of enemies whilst my other wizard concentrate on the main group surrounding Heddy. The fact of the matter is that even with fireball, the area of effect isn't large enough to cover all enemies at one time.

Thanks for the advice.

[QUOTE=Lord Plothos]Hrmm. Well, okay, here's something to try. Chuck a couple of fireballs out there and make sure all the enemies are belligerant. Makes the battle tougher, but may keep it from freezing. Just something to try.

Explanation: I've noticed that the crash-heavy areas (outside Senshock's room, over on the fire node and earth nodes) tend to take place when you're just outside the attention of the enemy. I've noticed that it crashes in specific places and that when I force combat by throwing an area-effect spell, the problem is solved. My own working hypothesis is that the computer gets bogged down trying to see if the enemy detects you. Get their attention and everything gets back to normal. This may or may not be what's going on there, but there are many enemies on the periphery of that fight (including the trolls or something way up in the corridor to the north) that don't engage right away, and thus will be trying to detect you, as it were, the whole time.[/QUOTE]
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