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Medium-to-serious problem

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Medium-to-serious problem

Post by Incertainty »

I'm literally 'running behind' on my levelling!
Here's the thing: When I gained lvl 7, I had to spend an insanely long time raising my Acrobatics skill for the *5 Strength modifier. So long, in fact, that it put me in a position where I could gain 2 lvls at a time. But the second one would not be with *5 modifiers. So I train my skills for the modifiers. But this gains me another level, and so on, and so on,... *sigh*
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Post by GA_Havoc »

Everytime you raise a skill its governing attribute's multiplier increases (10 points in athletics allows a *5 endurance modifier etc.).
Major and minor attributes also count towards your experience per level, so training alot in misc. attributes increases your modifiers without leveling.
Ofcourse before you get to use these modifiers you'll have to level up. :rolleyes:
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Post by fable »

Major and minor attributes also count towards your experience per level, so training alot in misc. attributes increases your modifiers without leveling.

All skills count towards attribute raising. So if you have no Personality-based skills in your majors and minors, you can still get a Personality modifier by working on Illusion, Mercantile, etc.
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Post by Minerva »

To add to the above comment:

If you want to add strength modifier without getting another level, practice other strength based skills (mostly weapons like long sword and axe) THAT IS NOT YOUR MAJOR OR MINOR SKILLS.

10 major/minor skills level up will give you one level. So, to avoid getting another level but the modifier is to level up which aren't included in the 10 skills of your choice.
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Post by Incertainty »

So, basically, all skills increase your modifiers, but only your major and minor ones increase your level? Thanks, glad I have that sorted out.
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