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cheat thingy. help?

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malkavian dream
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cheat thingy. help?

Post by malkavian dream »

I just beat this game, finally, even though I played through it 3 other times. long story. Anywho, I'd like to see everyclan and sex played through this game, so I'm using, or attempting to use , cheats. When I press~ and the menu pops up, I enter the cheat I want.....Then what? if I close it out I'm screwed. My game freezes and my cursor is on the screen. I can bring up the cheat console still so I assume I need to enter another comand. I tried hitting every button on my keyboard, no go. If anybody has any suggestions or answers to my problem, please help, I get frustrated easily. thanks
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Post by Confuzzled »

How I get the console to work:

1 - When you want to use the console, press Esc and go to the in-game menu. I have never managed to use the console successfully in the game itself, and gave up trying a while ago.

2 - bring up the console using ~

3 - enter the relevant cheat code.

4 - minimize the console. Do not close it.

At this point I can never move the cursor. But the key board still works fine. Therefore:

5 - press c to get yourself back into the game.

6 - hope everything works. It does for me.
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Post by yrthwyndandfyre »

I have a simpler method. Bring up the cheat console using the tilde key ~. Enter your cheat code. Put down the cheat console using the tilde key ~.
You can do this pretty much anywhere. Just don't hit the close box.
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Post by mentaldisorder »

yip....just hit the ~ button again, and if it freezes, i hit the escape button. that sometimes has a direct effect to where it unfreezes, but other times it brings me back to the vtmb menu. from there, you can just hit continue.
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Post by Faust »

[QUOTE=mentaldisorder]yip....just hit the ~ button again, and if it freezes, i hit the escape button. that sometimes has a direct effect to where it unfreezes, but other times it brings me back to the vtmb menu. from there, you can just hit continue.[/QUOTE]

To minimize freezing, use the console (~) on the menu screen (i.e. esc key).
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Veruca Pink
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Post by Veruca Pink »


We used to have that same problem at my house my brother worked out how to fix it, when you press the ~ it brings up the box, type in your cheat then to close it you have to press ~ and the game won't freeze.
I hope this works for you.
- Veruca Pink
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