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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by Bloodred »

So I keep hearing that Merchantile is bugged, I had never noticed this, then agian there is no way I would have ever really known if it wasent. So my question is, if its bugged, how is it bugged?? Does it just not work?? Does it work at a fraction of what its suposed to?? Do one of the patches, or expansions fix the bug??
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Post by dragon wench »

From what I gather, as your ability to lower the price of an item you are buying increases, merchants also begin giving you less money when you sell to them.

As far as I'm aware, this bug has never been fixed, though others here may know differently.
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Post by Greg. »

[QUOTE=dragon wench]From what I gather, as your ability to lower the price of an item you are buying increases, merchants also begin giving you less money when you sell to them.[QUOTE]

This only happens at the beginning of a transaction. You can subsequently raise the price higher - i.e. the merchant will pay you more if you ask. At least it works for me... there may be some bugs. If you are on PC - save your game, sell something to someone, load the game, raise your mercantile by ten and try again. It could work.
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