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Unarmed and Beast races

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Unarmed and Beast races

Post by Bloodred »

When you play a Beast Race(Kajit, Aragornian, or modded Beast Race) and you cannot wear certan armor slots. like Helms, or Boots. Because you cant wear annything there, does that count as Unarmored?? So even though youre decked out in full Heavy armor, filling all the slots you possibly clan while a Beast Race, does Unarmoed still go up because youre not, and cant wear a Helm, or Boots??
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

I had an argonian once.Wore medium armor,but that doesn`t matter.

You can`t wear full helmets,and so,the face counts as unarmored.The ears are too big to fit in the full helmet.Also no boots are allowed at all,and so feet count as unarmored.

So,i think that unarmored still goes up.This is even for non-beast chars.I found that there is a little empty space between the pauldrons and the gloves/bracers.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

As I can remember, argonians do have an unarmored bonus, but I think it's only 5. But that doesnt matter much anyway, since we can always get First guard armor for their feet, and since nobody REALLY likes helms, because they cover up the faces of our attractive characters.......ummmm, except Bosmer.......... Bosmer deserve helms........ except the ladies......
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