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Rescue Archeologist

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Rescue Archeologist

Post by wro_bel »

I have [a] problem with this quest. I don't know - maybe I'm too weak to make it. The problem is that I am always out of time and for some tim it becomes boring so maybe you know some tricks how to make it. in the final arena is there any master of summoners after killing which it will be easier with this quest? maybe my stats are to low [strength 6, health 5, toughness 5, speed 6]? please help me.
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Post by telemantros »

[QUOTE=wro_bel]I have [a] problem with this quest. I don't know - maybe I'm too weak to make it. The problem is that I am always out of time and for some tim it becomes boring so maybe you know some tricks how to make it. in the final arena is there any master of summoners after killing which it will be easier with this quest? maybe my stats are to low [strength 6, health 5, toughness 5, speed 6]? please help me.[/QUOTE]

From what I can gather from this post, you are having difficulties running out of time on the rescue the archeologist quest? Well, that means that you've gotten to the finale area in which you are timed. The way I always did it was to use enflame and whack away.

If you have further problems, check out the walkthrough on gamebanshee.
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Post by swcarter »

I don't think there's a trick to this quest. You just have to defeat the minions in the time allotted. Spells make the task easier. But if nothing else, "hero save" your game before the timer runs out so you get to keep the experience you've earned to that point.

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Post by wro_bel »

I've completed this quest in the way swcarter has written - just gathering bigger amount of experience and mastered my physique, speed and asassin rush. thanks for help.
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Post by Robinale »

I have the same problem i have been told the best way is to run down the prison path and use the magic for for Force I am going to try it this way
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Post by CyPhErIoN »

Well I do it like this.

I take my truste murren greathammer + physical shield and i use the following spells.
If there are many in the beginning : just run down and let them chase you. Once they are all packed together use internal wrath or devine fury.
In 2 or three times they should all be dead and you'll end up with a CM of around 40. If you still have some foes left use the double/triple hit spell.
This makes short work of them.

Mostly i have 2 mins left when i'm 10m from the archeologist.
I just slay the rest for fun till i have some secs left.

Hope this helps
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Slow time spell also helps ;)
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Post by Smokey007 »

Ya that would help with running through them and then when there all around you .....DIVINE FURY or eternal wrath w/e lol
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Post by cmister »

[QUOTE=wro_bel]I have [a] problem with this quest. I don't know - maybe I'm too weak to make it. The problem is that I am always out of time and for some tim it becomes boring so maybe you know some tricks how to make it. [/QUOTE]
There is a trick and here is is.
Force Push + Run.
Run as fast as you can through the last area and Force Push everything out of your way (you dont need to kill them).
If you do it quick enough the only 2 guys you will need to defeat are the 2 standing right next to the archeologist. Quest complete.
If you're still having trouble with that (I have no idea why you would). You can cast SLow Time before you start running and the clock will barely tick.

I usually run through so fast that I sit there and wait for all of the monsters to catch up so I can kill them all with a few Enflames. You dont have to though, only the very last 2 that dont "spawn" need to die.
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