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Advice on Explosives-based technologists

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Advice on Explosives-based technologists

Post by Lucien »

Has anyone had any luck with an explosives-based technologist? I'm interested in making use of the Arsonist background.

My first trial run character was kind of all over the place (as first characters often are), and abandoned when I was still level 3 or so. I had no persuasive ability, and had already told Constable Owens I would take care of Lukan, so he wouldn't give me a job. My only option was to kill the bandits, but there was no way to do that, as I was just weak. Good learning experience though.

My second character was a human gunner with a smattering of other tech skills. I found that it was too far spread though, and abandoned at about level 20. I was also very annoyed at having a low charisma, as persuasion was beyond me and I only had 2 followers which made things difficult. Also, bullets are ridiculously expensive.

My third character is clearly the best so far. I'm up to level 26, with a huge charisma, lots of and 7 people following me. That makes everything pretty easy.

My next character will either be the above-mentioned Arsonist or some manner of magical character - possibly evil magical. So any advice on either of those would be greatly liked.
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

Firstly,the gunman is the toughest char in my opinion.You can make buttlets cheaply by buying the bullets schematic and you don`t require almost any at all when you got a sniper rifle.I actualy abandoned my gunman at about level 30-40 because it was too easy...No followers,minimum charisma.But it is all about style and i don`t want to argue with you.

1.Try many chars and check witch one you like most.With who you have the most fun playing with.For me it is the gunman or the mage.

2.If you make a char too strong then you will get bored soon,because the game is too easy.Check the first point.(Fun is very important)

3.No char is too weak,make you that matches your playing style.Do you want to be sneaky and get things without paying?Do you want to rule the world by the sword?Up to you.

Oh well,that is my tehnique...For your questions,here goes...
The arsonist:

He is the expert of granades and explosives,and thus,you need explosives tech skill.A lot of it.Then you will need the throwing skill.Dodge won`t do any harm either.Spend most of your points into intellect and Dex/Pe i don`t remember what was the throwing skill.Obviously you want to hame many people to tag along with you,and so take some charisma aswell.You also need a standard attack skill,wether melee or guns.
So much for creating the arsonist.Playing it however can prove to be quite tricky.Granades aren`t very cheap to get,neither are the ingrediences to make them.Surely you don`t mean to go adventuring only with your bombs...grab a sword or gun,or both,and use then as your primary attack.Save your bombs for rather tricky situations.Actualy i am not very much familiar with the arsonist,but i think that this way is pretty good.

The wizard:

Again,the creating is with the main importance.
For mages,my favorite background is Dark Elf Follower,you just don`t need any followers,maybe Virgil.Actualy,i got him every time.The background might be pretty tough to choose,but for your information,the nature mage is clearly the strongest.There isn`t a beast that could stand against a rabbit(You will know why when you got your magic affinity at 100-150% and stand on grass).
Then you need to choose the attributes.Clearly you need willpower.That is about all that matters,justp put everything else into what you like.Skills...From magic,take harm,actualy,you will fill the black magic anyway,so only harm.Haggle is a good skill.If you want a war-wizard then you need melee and dodge.Thats just about it,for creating.
In combat,harm is your toughest and furthest kill spell.Most monsters die with a spell or three.The mages combat tehnique is very simple:Shoot,shoot,and if it is needed,run and shoot again.Easy pickings.

Hope that this helps a bit.
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Post by manraynor »

the gunman is really good if you have the firearms at max and not a master yet then there is no problem fighting the ore golems then its just TO easy.I like to fight the boil with only virgil and me i have firearms and he magic etc. :p
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