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*~* SPOILER *~* The Ending ; Satisfying ?

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*~* SPOILER *~* The Ending ; Satisfying ?

Post by Lunaida »

I know there have been many discussions about the Ending of the game and have read many of them, but I have a questions that couldnt find an answer for it :

*Did you find the Ending satisfying ?*

I have finished my first round of playing and sided with the Prince, being a Ventrue and all...
I have read the other endings and the stories are simply perfect, even when you side with the Prince ! :cool:
But the thing is I think that the Ending is simply too short ! :rolleyes:
I mean after you put up with so much trouble to find the sarcophagus and the key and all, at least they should have put a longer Ending ! You finish the game with a great anticipation and then all you get is a 3 second Ending and then the credits ! I just stared at the credits after the Ending and wondered "What The" ...
But maybe this is why you immedietly want to start the game all over, as if you have missed something ! lol
Any opinions ?
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Post by Anaximander »

Siding with the prince is, I think, the shortest of the possible endings. You may find it more satisfying to join the Anarchs or side with no one. I almost always choose the latter.
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Post by pennypincher »

Honestly, all the endings I felt like I got what I asked for... But joining the Cammerilla was the only ending I felt like I got what I deserved... A comfy job as.. Oohh, I dunno... Primogen? Sherif? Seneshal?
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Post by SoberFix »

I didn't care for the endings at all. It looked like the development team crammed this part of the game in half an hour. Though I haven't finished yet with "No alliegence" and "Prince", i'm guessin they're just as ho hum as the others.

camarilla seemed the best though.
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Post by Theoris »

no alliance

i did the no alliance ending.... I think they should've had more interesting endings like the end of the world or something. but the no alliance ending was pretty satisfying....i mean c'mon flipping off high society vampires, what other pleasures in life are there? Ah and also that little prick LaCroix got what he deserved....i dislike him. i guess in a way the no alliance ending is the coolest one in my opinion cause ur the lone wolf, on your own and out to kick ass till final death.
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Post by Jack Daxtor »

I hate it when developers skimp on the ending. The ones in Bloodlines sucked (although I haven't done Ming's yet, I presume its just as bad). Not quite as bad as KOTOR's light side ending though.
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Post by TonyMontana1638 »

I did the Camarilla ending which I thought was ok, but I agree I wish it was longer... A ten second cutscene doesn't cut it for me.
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Post by MalaksBane »

The no-allegiance ending, the only one I did so far - was ok. What more would there be to show, or say?

But I wouldn't mind playing a sequel.
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Post by Celacena »

I always do the anarch ending - no chance of being buddies with Slime Ball or the ones that double-crossed me. The Cam? well if LaCroix is their kind of guy, no thanks.
Nines behaves well and Jack, well he's an anarch, isn't he?


Surely somebody let Beckett know so that he could save my skin? "Don't open the box!" Even the Thin Bloods warn you - you "don't want to be around when the Jack comes out of the box" or is it really Beckett?
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Post by Morbazan »

In my opinion, the Redemption end is much better than this one. But the end of the Anarch's is okay.. I was hoping more.
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Post by Celacena »


took me a couple of times before I realised that Jack was, in effect, talking to himself. "You don't say much buddy!"
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Post by MalaksBane »

Theoris wrote:.... I think they should've had more interesting endings like the end of the world or something.
That would be ... too big. I mean, it's pretty small scale now, just one of the games played in the Jyhad, or maybe even a prelude to Gehenna. But the ending of the world?
Celacena wrote:I always do the anarch ending - no chance of being buddies with Slime Ball or the ones that double-crossed me. The Cam? well if LaCroix is their kind of guy, no thanks.
Nines behaves well and Jack, well he's an anarch, isn't he?
Jack's hand is the one that moves the pawn.
Well, Jack in cooperation with, or in service of, that mysterious cabdriver[1]. Though Jack is generally helpfull and not bend on your destruction, as is the Jester, I feel he only helps you to help his own cause.

Nines seems ok though, even though he is short tempered, just as Damsel and Skelter. I could imagine allegiance with the LA Anarchs just because of Nines.

Allegiance with LaCroix seems, well, rediculous. This Jester keeps trying to get rid of your character. On top of that, he's plain mad and looses control when things don't go his way, sooner or later he will fall and you'd go down with him. Well, at least you'd know who your enemy is. I imagine Strauss would be much the same, just a bit more sophisticated and controlled.

Kuei-Jin ... their arrangement with kine seems better then the Kindred Masquarade, which is bound to fail in the next few decades. But ... well, Ming is shouting deception and lies with every word that passes her undead lips. You just know that any arrangement with her will not end pleasantly for your character.

So, that leaves ... no alegiance. I imagine one could try and catch up with Beckett to do some tomb raiding with him. Or, talking about comfy, move to some island in the pacific and play god/godess or even just priest/priestess to some occult (blood) religion for the natives.

Surely somebody let Beckett know so that he could save my skin? "Don't open the box!" Even the Thin Bloods warn you - you "don't want to be around when the Jack comes out of the box" or is it really Beckett?
I assume Beckett adds two and two after he hears the Jester barking to you about the box looking as if it had been opened on the Dane. Whatever is in the box now, someone has been tampering with it for their own purposes.

[1]Could the cabdriver be Jack's Sire? From what I've gathered, Sire - Childe relation resembles parent-child relation and the 'father behind him' hint from that fortuneteller on the beach might point to Jack's Sire rather then The Dark Father.
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Post by MikeMoose »

I duno, I think the Fortune Teller on the beach means that the guy behind Jack is Caine. "The Father...Is it the Father behind him?" I duno I just think its Caine. I could be wrong. As for the ending, I was Gangrel, and I chose Anarchs, though No Allegiance would have been just as good. Beckett is one of the coolest Charactors in the game. He is one you can trust, as the Girl on the beach tells you. Wow...If he was real, he would be a man to meet. The ending totally got me off guard, I thought it was gunna be an Antediluvian in there that would come out, Cause LaCroix final death, and deal destruction to the world, but hey, Un Ordinary Ending is good. But i agree, too short. Anyways im done Blabbing.
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