Outside the yan-ti temple there is the possibility to find the pilar and kill the dragon.It is optional and I found out that many people give up trying to kill the dragon.
I reloaded and killed him all the time in one minute without using any spell and neither haste.
The trick is to have a disposition two protection spell:invisibility from your wizard or sorcer and remove fear from your monk!
When the dragon start to attack run inside the Yan- ti temple and prepare your monk with at least 2 or three remove fear spells.Then rest for eight hours.Then start to protect everyone with the basic things and then have your sorcer/wizard cast invibility (that last 10 minute on every one) (individualy) then or before it doesn´t matter, have your monk cast remove fear on him it will be effective for everyone! then go back up and fight! Use power potion to boost your hit points! You need a lot of hit point (of around 25 ) to have any effect on him.Slashing and piercing item does the best job.Morkinden sword for your sorcer will give her a 25 hit point and the dragon will be hurt with 25 slashing points.
Christian Fivaz
I would be happy that some people try this and give me some feedback! thank you.
I can kill the dragon without using any spell,neither haste!
- christianfivaz
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