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specialist wizard exploit question

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specialist wizard exploit question

Post by krunchyfrogg »

I have read many places that if you choose a specialist wizards (lets say illusionist), you will normally be restricted from necromancy spells. But, if you add a level of a spellcasting class, you will have access to all spells, even the ones from your oppositional school.

Now, I have read that it works with paladins, sorcerers, and clerics, but not rangers. I am wondering if it will work with bards. Also, do you need a minimum stat to cast a spell for this bug to work (11 charisma for bards/sorcerers, 11 wisdom for paladins/clerics)?

please LMK if you know the answer.
A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives.
- Jackie Robinson
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