I'm doing the second quest with the paladin stronghold, Who do I side with to do the right thing, the lord or the farmers. what are the right actions to co the right thing for my character...any resposnes would be grately appreciated....thanks
I don't think it matters whom who choose. I think I have done both and still gotten the stronghold. Choosing the lord is worse I think. IIRC the head of the pally order is less impressed if you do that.
I don't remember whether it was this particular quest where it was useful, but casting Detect Evil can in general give you good hints on who the bad guy is...
I did the lord when i was doing it and the order wernt to happy but they needed a more important matter attending to (ie Frikaag) so they give you another chance
[url="http://www.svelmoe.dk/blade/index.htm"]"Blade of the Banshee"[/url] Adventure onward through the land of Neverwinter.
The 'Good' choice is to support the freeholders....and then CHASTISE them afterwords (essentially by saying that they bore a lot of the blame too). As was said before, a quick detect evil will help a lot. Failing that, simply insist that you want both sides to be heard (without making a choice). The Lord will be incensed and will attack...making your choice obvious.
i completed this quest about...five minutes ago and i sided with the farmers, but after you talk to them it seems it could go either way i suggest detect evil to find out the right choice
This is not strictly needed. If you have talked with the farmers, then present their case before the lord. He will go hostile and some of his own people will be horrified. It becomes VERY clear at that point who was in the wrong (at least more in the wrong).